You Camera Crazy Folks With Nice Tanks


(Hope this isn't against the rules - If it is, Sorry in advance.)
Think you could help a fellow SWF.comer out???

I have been running a Salt and Fresh water tank cleaning company for a little while now and it is beginning to evolve into a LFS... My current customers are starting to get the fishy addiction and want more fish or upgrades. Some of my new clients are fishyless and in need of tank setups.
So what I would like to do and will need your help to do, as I don’t have enough resources and my camera skills suck, is get pictures of both Fresh water and Salt water tank setups. FOWLR and Reef... The pictures can be closeups of fish, rock or corals and Full Tank setups... Even sump pictures...
I know some of you take beautiful photo’s and most of you have beautiful tanks, so if you want to help me by "donating some pictures"
for my picture book, I will be very, very, very grateful...



sure i will post some pics of my freshwater guppies and saltwater tank as soon as i can find my camera, it seem to be missing but couldn't have gone far :thinking:


Active Member

Originally Posted by FishRule
(Hope this isn't against the rules - If it is, Sorry in advance.)

Think you could help a fellow SWF.comer out???

I have been running a Salt and Fresh water tank cleaning company for a little while now and it is beginning to evolve into a LFS... My current customers are starting to get the fishy addiction and want more fish or upgrades. Some of my new clients are fishyless and in need of tank setups.
So what I would like to do and will need your help to do, as I don’t have enough resources and my camera skills suck, is get pictures of both Fresh water and Salt water tank setups. FOWLR and Reef... The pictures can be closeups if fish or corals and Full Tank setups... Even sump pictures...
I know some of you take beautiful photo’s and most of you have beautiful tanks, so if you want to help me by "donating some pictures"
for my picture book, I will be very, very, very grateful...

just search my name. you can use any pictures you want. you will find 100's. even videos


Active Member
Originally Posted by oceana
just search my name. you can use any pictures you want. you will find 100's. even videos
that was very generous oceana and yeah i wil post some if the pics turn out i will try tommorow


Active Member
you can use mine, i know starting a business is a tough thing. i just posted a picture thread with over 100 pics, and about 1/3 of that maybe 3 months ago


Thanks so much everyone… You guys ROCK!!!
It’s things like this and people like you guys that make me proud to be part of this forum… This is going to help a lot…
Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!
:cheer: :joy:


Active Member are welcome to search "sleasia's tank "and use the pics on the thread. if you need more let me know.



Active Member
you got my permission to use my 300 gallon pics and 75 gallon reef pics,, all found a few threads down in the fish photography forum


Active Member
heres my tank its a 180 lee mar flat polished tank
mixed reef with sps, lps, softies, anemone, clams, and lots of fish
180lbs LR 120lbs LS



Wow, Great Pictures Guys... Thanks for all the help... Now to decide if I want a picture book with a few pictures, hundred pages or ..... ? :thinking: