you decide


I am thinking of ordering either a coral or an anemone from this site but have no idea what to get and my wife isnt much help (she would rather watch tv than look at corals)
So what do you guys think would be a fairly easy coral to keep? I was thinking maybe the deep sea yellow gargonian but i already have 2 other gargs in my tank and a couple shrooms. So maybe the yellow polyps? any other suggestions


was also wondering if you guys know anything about the sea pen? its listed under anemones here but there is now discription for it? i like how it looks do you know if it would house clowns


its going to depend on your tank. Size, lighting, age, fish... My first coral was a green star polyp, and its doing great. Grew very fast. Shrooms are also very forgiving. Anemone's need good water quality and strong lighting.
Hope this helps!


Active Member
Sorry, can't help you there. But there is a recent post on here by Ohiorn67 (I think) that has a pic of her sun coral. Doesn't need the light, in fact it like to be a little shaded under some rock and needs to be fed meaty foods. Looks cool, though I would share. :)


sun corals r very pretty. I'm planning on getting one myself but I can't find any around here. I found one before I decided I wanted it and was told that it's previous owner returned it because it needed to be feed to much and his tank was to small. It was bigger than a baseball. have fun finding what's right for u and good luck. :joy: