You gotta read it to believe it


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
Sorry for another political thread but this is stunning.
A group is airing an ad about Obamas ties to Bill Ayers. The Obama campaign is threatening stations that run the ads and their sponsors with "Economic punishment". Suddenly I am very afraid of what America would become under the thumb of Obama.
The ad is a joke; it's nothing but innuendo and has no substance. What ever Ayers has done in the past is behind him and he is now a respected member of society. If the ad spelled out in detail what Obama was doing with Ayers (the committees to better the community) would be one thing but linking him with acts of terrorism is a joke.
I hope the dems go after McCain and his link the Keating Five, or the fact that McCain was soo proud to have the endorsement of noted traitor Oliver North or his association with convicted felon Gordon Liddy.
I am in more fearful of McCain and the button that'll be under his thumb.

salty blues

Active Member
***** yes. Him and his ilk(Pelosi, et al) are trying to censor(conservative) talk radio too, because boo hoo, it's not fair that so many folks listen to conservative talk radio versus the other crap on the left. Very scary indeed.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmick
The ad is a joke; it's nothing but innuendo and has no substance. What ever Ayers has done in the past is behind him and he is now a respected member of society. If the ad spelled out in detail what Obama was doing with Ayers (the committees to better the community) would be one thing but linking him with acts of terrorism is a joke.
I hope the dems go after McCain and his link the Keating Five, or the fact that McCain was soo proud to have the endorsement of noted traitor Oliver North or his association with convicted felon Gordon Liddy.
I am in more fearful of McCain and the button that'll be under his thumb.
Bill Ayers said in 2001 he had no regrets and wished they had done more. How is that putting his past behind him?
Let Obama go after McCain on Keating or anything else. Hopefully McCain has enough class not to resort to Obama's strong-arm mob style tactics.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
Bill Ayers said in 2001 he had no regrets and wished they had done more. How is that putting his past behind him?
Let Obama go after McCain on Keating or anything else. Hopefully McCain has enough class not to resort to Obama's strong-arm mob style tactics.
Class, is he not the same man who called his wife the C word in front of reporters and a trollop and left his disfigured wife for same wealthy woman half her age (married her in less then a month after his divorce) and I have differing views on what it means to have class.
The sole point of the ad is to tie Obama to the activities of Ayers and link him to terrorists, which is bull @$#$ and you know it. Like I said, I'd have no issue if they made the tie between the two so long as they were truthful as to what they were doing for the community. So far Obama hasn't resorted to this type of campaigning and I think it's time he does. Dopes like you will cleary believe what ever you want.


Active Member
Jmick;2737429 said:
The ad is a joke; it's nothing but innuendo and has no substance. What ever Ayers has done in the past is behind him and he is now a respected member of society. If the ad spelled out in detail what Obama was doing with Ayers (the committees to better the community) would be one thing but linking him with acts of terrorism is a joke.
Then why did Ayers write that he wished he had done more bombings? I have not seen an apology either. This stuff is not behind him it still shapes Mr Ayers.
''I don't regret setting bombs,'' Bill Ayers said. ''I feel we didn't do enough.''
Yup, that pretty much put the whole issue behind him.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmick
left his disfigured wife for same wealthy woman half her age (married her in less then a month after his divorce) and I have differing views on what it means to have class.
You mean John Kerry?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmick
Class, is he not the same man who called his wife the C word in front of reporters and a trollop and left his disfigured wife for same wealthy woman half her age (married her in less then a month after his divorce) and I have differing views on what it means to have class.
The sole point of the ad is to tie Obama to the activities of Ayers and link him to terrorists, which is bull @$#$ and you know it. Like I said, I'd have no issue if they made the tie between the two so long as they were truthful as to what they were doing for the community. So far Obama hasn't resorted to this type of campaigning and I think it's time he does. Dopes like you will cleary believe what ever you want.
I don't hang with thugs, crooks or domestic terrorists. I seriously doubt you do either. If someone told me they used to be a thief and regretted stealing more it isn't someone I would hang with. Unrepentant terrorists who were responsible for murder should be shunned, not placed on boards. I would never serve on a board that would appoint Ayers and I sure as hell wouldn't call him a friend like Obama did. Just another example of his poor judgement.


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
The only reason he isn't still in jail is because clinton pardoned the guy. If this is "respectable" then you have some SERIOUS issues my friend.
I believe the pardon cleared his record... he hasn't been in jail for years... and the time he spent I believe was relatively short...
What is not being said here is the extent in which their relationship began... they were both professors at the Univ of Chicago... we meet all sorts of people who have made mistakes in their past... this is simply the Republican attack strategy at work.
The protestors/activists/radicals of the 60's were not less patriotic than the the people who supported the war... they were just on the other side and wanted our great country to take responsiblity for what they thought we were participating in... and to end it... their measures were radical ... but it doesn't make them anti-american.
The problem I have with your party and in particular McCain is your Karl Rove style politics of personal, biased, and often twisted fact attacks. After McCain was ran through the ringer with Bush.. he comes back and tries to do the same thing to Obama... and he has the nerve to talk about ethics and campaign reform..
And back to Ayers... you can't connect Obama to events that Ayers was a part of 40 years ago when Obama was just a boy. How stupid is that.


Active Member
I connect Obama to Ayers assertion in 2001 that he wished they had done more and had no regrets. Doesn't sound like Ayers has changed much over the last 30 or so years.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
I believe the pardon cleared his record... he hasn't been in jail for years... and the time he spent I believe was relatively short...
What is not being said here is the extent in which their relationship began... they were both professors at the Univ of Chicago... we meet all sorts of people who have made mistakes in their past... this is simply the Republican attack strategy at work.
The protestors/activists/radicals of the 60's were not less patriotic than the the people who supported the war... they were just on the other side and wanted our great country to take responsiblity for what they thought we were participating in... and to end it... their measures were radical ... but it doesn't make them anti-american.
The problem I have with your party and in particular McCain is your Karl Rove style politics of personal, biased, and often twisted fact attacks. After McCain was ran through the ringer with Bush.. he comes back and tries to do the same thing to Obama... and he has the nerve to talk about ethics and campaign reform..
And back to Ayers... you can't connect Obama to events that Ayers was a part of 40 years ago when Obama was just a boy. How stupid is that.
You are misdirecting the argument, it isn't about Obama having anything to do with the Bill Ayers bombing. It has to do with Obama has CONSISTANTLY surrounded himself with people with very questionable records. From a pastor who calls american military personel terrorists to a domestic terrorist. Obama is close friends with someone who BOMBED Americans. And has gone further to say he would have done it again. Clinton very clearly abused his powers as president by pardoning the person. but that is another argument.
This is not just oh someone who happened to be faculty while Obama was a prof at the University.
And BOMBING Americans because you don't approve of a war makes you anti-American. Just like Straddling a N Vietnamese gun does. Or your words being played in Prison camps to demoralize our soldiers in pow camps.


Active Member
You see where the Obama campaign has finally admitted that his father figure frank from his book is indeed Frank Marshall Davis. That guy makes Ayers, Wright and Haydon look down right red, white and blue patriotic. You should look up some of his writings.


Active Member
I don't care who this is, if anyone surrounded himself with the people Obama has surrounded himself with. There should be no possible way this guy should even be close to this job. Heck with how big his ears are, what color he is or is not. This guy has VERY SERIOUS problems with what he believes and who he has surrounded himself with. That run diametrically opposed to everything america stands for.


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
You are misdirecting the argument, it isn't about Obama having anything to do with the Bill Ayers bombing. It has to do with Obama has CONSISTANTLY surrounded himself with people with very questionable records. From a pastor who calls american military personel terrorists to a domestic terrorist. Obama is close friends with someone who BOMBED Americans. And has gone further to say he would have done it again. Clinton very clearly abused his powers as president by pardoning the person. but that is another argument.
This is not just oh someone who happened to be faculty while Obama was a prof at the University.
And BOMBING Americans because you don't approve of a war makes you anti-American. Just like Straddling a N Vietnamese gun does. Or your words being played in Prison camps to demoralize our soldiers in pow camps.
Did Ayers kill anyone?
Was Ayers convicted?
What has he done since?
Became one of the countries greatest educators... wrote education books
The Board in which he served along w/ Obama is a board that gives grants and scholarships to poor and disadvantaged people in Chicago...
The whole thing is a fear tactic.. What has Obama done other than exceed at the best schools... turn down millions to do community service work... went to the state senate and now us senate... he has always worked for the people...
McCain has never worked in the private sector... I did read a comment on here about Obama working with gov't funded organization

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmick
The ad is a joke; it's nothing but innuendo and has no substance. What ever Ayers has done in the past is behind him and he is now a respected member of society. If the ad spelled out in detail what Obama was doing with Ayers (the committees to better the community) would be one thing but linking him with acts of terrorism is a joke.
I hope the dems go after McCain and his link the Keating Five, or the fact that McCain was soo proud to have the endorsement of noted traitor Oliver North or his association with convicted felon Gordon Liddy.
I am in more fearful of McCain and the button that'll be under his thumb.
Ide vote for Olie in a second.But McCain will do .

Olie for VP
Now that would make for a world shaking combo there.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Veni Vidi Vici
Ide vote for Olie in a second.But McCain will do .

Olie for VP
Now that would make for a world shaking combo there.
And when the duo decide to invade Iran you can thank Ollie for suppling some of the weapons to Iran that'll be killing our troops


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
Did Ayers kill anyone?
Was Ayers convicted?
What has he done since?
Became one of the countries greatest educators... wrote education books
The Board in which he served along w/ Obama is a board that gives grants and scholarships to poor and disadvantaged people in Chicago...
The whole thing is a fear tactic.. What has Obama done other than exceed at the best schools... turn down millions to do community service work... went to the state senate and now us senate... he has always worked for the people...
McCain has never worked in the private sector... I did read a comment on here about Obama working with gov't funded organization

What Ayers was and what is he today is a mote point to these people Rylan. They have no issue with their party running ads that are nothing but innuendo and fear tactics because they probably believe the majority of Americans are stupid enough to believe what the media tells them and it's to their benefit and that of their party.
I am proud the Democratic party hasn't sunk to their level but the time may come when they have to. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if the current administration gets us involved in Iran if the election starts to go south for them.