Originally Posted by
I believe the pardon cleared his record... he hasn't been in jail for years... and the time he spent I believe was relatively short...
What is not being said here is the extent in which their relationship began... they were both professors at the Univ of Chicago... we meet all sorts of people who have made mistakes in their past... this is simply the Republican attack strategy at work.
The protestors/activists/radicals of the 60's were not less patriotic than the the people who supported the war... they were just on the other side and wanted our great country to take responsiblity for what they thought we were participating in... and to end it... their measures were radical ... but it doesn't make them anti-american.
The problem I have with your party and in particular McCain is your Karl Rove style politics of personal, biased, and often twisted fact attacks. After McCain was ran through the ringer with Bush.. he comes back and tries to do the same thing to Obama... and he has the nerve to talk about ethics and campaign reform..
And back to Ayers... you can't connect Obama to events that Ayers was a part of 40 years ago when Obama was just a boy. How stupid is that.
You are misdirecting the argument, it isn't about Obama having anything to do with the Bill Ayers bombing. It has to do with Obama has CONSISTANTLY surrounded himself with people with very questionable records. From a pastor who calls american military personel terrorists to a domestic terrorist. Obama is close friends with someone who BOMBED Americans. And has gone further to say he would have done it again. Clinton very clearly abused his powers as president by pardoning the person. but that is another argument.
This is not just oh someone who happened to be faculty while Obama was a prof at the University.
And BOMBING Americans because you don't approve of a war makes you anti-American. Just like Straddling a N Vietnamese gun does. Or your words being played in Prison camps to demoralize our soldiers in pow camps.