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Originally Posted by Rylan1
Did Ayers kill anyone?
Was Ayers convicted?
What has he done since?
Became one of the countries greatest educators... wrote education books
The Board in which he served along w/ Obama is a board that gives grants and scholarships to poor and disadvantaged people in Chicago...
The whole thing is a fear tactic.. What has Obama done other than exceed at the best schools... turn down millions to do community service work... went to the state senate and now us senate... he has always worked for the people...
McCain has never worked in the private sector... I did read a comment on here about Obama working with gov't funded organization
Ayers admitted to setting the bombs...
And what do you think the unapologetic ayers is teaching? Certainly not something I'd want my kids to hear.
Oh yeah obama turned down "millions" so he could make millions then run for president.
Personally if I was faced with a choice. Go the corporate route. Or establish myself on the local political scene, get elected to congress then turn around and run for prez. Knowing that in congress, I can make $$ writing books and giving speeches. And make better money than I would have in corporate business. All with the goal of running for president of the USA. I'd choose that... Really gave himself up. Turn down his aspirations and goal "for the good of people."
Originally Posted by Jmick
And when the duo decide to invade Iran you can thank Ollie for suppling some of the weapons to Iran that'll be killing our troops
Yeah, right after I thank Clinton for not accepting osama. When he was offered on a silver platter.
Did Ayers kill anyone?
Was Ayers convicted?
What has he done since?
Became one of the countries greatest educators... wrote education books
The Board in which he served along w/ Obama is a board that gives grants and scholarships to poor and disadvantaged people in Chicago...
The whole thing is a fear tactic.. What has Obama done other than exceed at the best schools... turn down millions to do community service work... went to the state senate and now us senate... he has always worked for the people...
McCain has never worked in the private sector... I did read a comment on here about Obama working with gov't funded organization
Ayers admitted to setting the bombs...
And what do you think the unapologetic ayers is teaching? Certainly not something I'd want my kids to hear.
Oh yeah obama turned down "millions" so he could make millions then run for president.
Personally if I was faced with a choice. Go the corporate route. Or establish myself on the local political scene, get elected to congress then turn around and run for prez. Knowing that in congress, I can make $$ writing books and giving speeches. And make better money than I would have in corporate business. All with the goal of running for president of the USA. I'd choose that... Really gave himself up. Turn down his aspirations and goal "for the good of people."
Originally Posted by Jmick
And when the duo decide to invade Iran you can thank Ollie for suppling some of the weapons to Iran that'll be killing our troops
Yeah, right after I thank Clinton for not accepting osama. When he was offered on a silver platter.