You gotta read it to believe it


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
Did Ayers kill anyone?
Was Ayers convicted?
What has he done since?
Became one of the countries greatest educators... wrote education books
The Board in which he served along w/ Obama is a board that gives grants and scholarships to poor and disadvantaged people in Chicago...
The whole thing is a fear tactic.. What has Obama done other than exceed at the best schools... turn down millions to do community service work... went to the state senate and now us senate... he has always worked for the people...
McCain has never worked in the private sector... I did read a comment on here about Obama working with gov't funded organization
Ayers admitted to setting the bombs...
And what do you think the unapologetic ayers is teaching? Certainly not something I'd want my kids to hear.
Oh yeah obama turned down "millions" so he could make millions then run for president.

Personally if I was faced with a choice. Go the corporate route. Or establish myself on the local political scene, get elected to congress then turn around and run for prez. Knowing that in congress, I can make $$ writing books and giving speeches. And make better money than I would have in corporate business. All with the goal of running for president of the USA. I'd choose that... Really gave himself up. Turn down his aspirations and goal "for the good of people."
Originally Posted by Jmick

And when the duo decide to invade Iran you can thank Ollie for suppling some of the weapons to Iran that'll be killing our troops

Yeah, right after I thank Clinton for not accepting osama. When he was offered on a silver platter.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmick
What Ayers was and what is he today is a mote point to these people Rylan. They have no issue with their party running ads that are nothing but innuendo and fear tactics because they probably believe the majority of Americans are stupid enough to believe what the media tells them and it's to their benefit and that of their party.
I am proud the Democratic party hasn't sunk to their level but the time may come when they have to. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if the current administration gets us involved in Iran if the election starts to go south for them.
What ayers did and what he is today, hasn't changed, he has just found a more effective way of decimating his extremist beliefs.
As far as trashing, have you watched the reporting on Bush for the last 8 years?
We have 3.3 percent gdp growth, and that hasn't even made a splash.


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
What ayers did and what he is today, hasn't changed, he has just found a more effective way of decimating his extremist beliefs.
As far as trashing, have you watched the reporting on Bush for the last 8 years?
We have 3.3 percent gdp growth, and that hasn't even made a splash.
Ayers in fact brags about being Guilty as sin and free as a bird. His words not mine.

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmick
And when the duo decide to invade Iran you can thank Ollie for suppling some of the weapons to Iran that'll be killing our troops

Yeah like the f-14's we sold them that they cant get parts for ,therefore they are useless.They can probably hide behide them though and throw rocks. Please Jmick save it.
We stopped selling them weapons in th 70's BTW


Active Member
Originally Posted by Veni Vidi Vici
Yeah like the f-14's we sold them that they cant get parts for ,therefore they are useless.They can probably hide behide them though and throw rocks. Please Jmick save it.
We stopped selling them weapons in th 70's BTW
You might want to look at the facts before you post bogus information...think mid 80's. Read the following link for some education.


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
What ayers did and what he is today, hasn't changed, he has just found a more effective way of decimating his extremist beliefs.
As far as trashing, have you watched the reporting on Bush for the last 8 years?
We have 3.3 percent gdp growth, and that hasn't even made a splash.

So what will the Bush administrion hang its hat on? What has it done for the citizens of this country and the global community? In fact, it will go down as the worst administration possibly ever (history will not be kind to Bush).
Again I am gonna ask, do you think it's ok for campaigns to use underhanded tactics that link a candidate with terrorists and attacks on America? Or do you feel it's ok to do whatever you have to in order to win? I thought McCain was all about honor and service?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmick
So what will the Bush administrion hang its hat on? What has it done for the citizens of this country and the global community? In fact, it will go down as the worst administration possibly ever (history will not be kind to Bush).
Again I am gonna ask, do you think it's ok for campaigns to use underhanded tactics that link a candidate with terrorists and attacks on America? Or do you feel it's ok to do whatever you have to in order to win? I thought McCain was all about honor and service?
How about a campaign actively try to stifle free speech.
BTW for bush you have a lot of stuff, from the liberation of the Iraqies, to rapid economic growth, Lybia, the BILLIONS in humanitarian aid in the middle east and AFRICA. To name a few. His down side is stuff where he "reached across the isle" in education, social spending, and a couple other things. It is just silly and highly partisan to say that he will go down as the worst president in history.


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
How about a campaign actively try to stifle free speech.
BTW for bush you have a lot of stuff, from the liberation of the Iraqies, to rapid economic growth, Lybia, the BILLIONS in humanitarian aid in the middle east and AFRICA. To name a few. His down side is stuff where he "reached across the isle" in education, social spending, and a couple other things. It is just silly and highly partisan to say that he will go down as the worst president in history.
Once again you fail to answer my question! Do you or do you not think it's ok to run a ad that is nothing but innuendo and links Obama to terrorst activity? If you were Obama and you were being slandered what would you do? You are a smart guy and a good person, do you support this kind of campaign?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmick
So what will the Bush administrion hang its hat on? What has it done for the citizens of this country and the global community? In fact, it will go down as the worst administration possibly ever (history will not be kind to Bush).
Again I am gonna ask, do you think it's ok for campaigns to use underhanded tactics that link a candidate with terrorists and attacks on America? Or do you feel it's ok to do whatever you have to in order to win? I thought McCain was all about honor and service?

Obama hangs out with some truely scummy people. Wright, Ayers, Rezko. Kind of goes to his lack of character and judgement.

darthtang aw

Active Member
I aM not going to jump into this conversation because the entire thing is dumb IMO. But Most of you have all your information wrong about Ayers. Those defending especially.
Ayers was NOT pardoned by clinton. Two other members of the weather underground were. They had 40 year sentences and I believe they had served nearly 20 of it and were both women.
Ayers was prosecuted many years after his activity when he was finally caught up with. However the case was thrown out due to prosecutorial misconduct. If memory is correct the misconduct was the statute of limitations was up.
Was ayers a terrorist? Yes.
Did the weather underground plant bombs? Yes
Were they intended to kill? Why else would you build a bomb planned for barracks with thousands of nails in it. (this was the bomb that prematurely exploded killing 3 members.)
Is Ayers a communist sympathizer and supporter? Yes, he says as much in his books. He actually prefers Marx's form over Lenin's form of communism and says as much.
Does he hate capitalism? Yes he tried to destroy the american capitalistic society (his own words).
So does Obama befriending and working with this guy willingly for over 4 years bring into a question of character? Sure it does. I am sorry, possibly cheating does not even compare to befriending a terrorists that is unrepentant for his actions and has a very extreme view of the America and the freedoms of this country. Even a disregard for American lives.


Active Member

Originally Posted by Jmick
Once again you fail to answer my question! Do you or do you not think it's ok to run a ad that is nothing but innuendo and links Obama to terrorst activity? If you were Obama and you were being slandered what would you do? You are a smart guy and a good person, do you support this kind of campaign?
YES ABSOLUTELY YES. Especially considering Obama's bug light attraction to anti-american and communist rhetoric.
It isn't slander if it is true.
If it were slander let em spread it, then drop your proof and let them run around like fools.
BTW McCain didn't release that add. A 527 released it.
All it did say was obama is friends with a guy who admits to bombing the capital. And calling him things like respectable.
What factually do you dispute with the ad?
I have no problem with running a factual ad.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
I aM not going to jump into this conversation because the entire thing is dumb IMO. But Most of you have all your information wrong about Ayers. Those defending especially.
Ayers was NOT pardoned by clinton. Two other members of the weather underground were. They had 40 year sentences and I believe they had served nearly 20 of it and were both women.
Ayers was prosecuted many years after his activity when he was finally caught up with. However the case was thrown out due to prosecutorial misconduct. If memory is correct the misconduct was the statute of limitations was up.
Was ayers a terrorist? Yes.
Did the weather underground plant bombs? Yes
Were they intended to kill? Why else would you build a bomb planned for barracks with thousands of nails in it. (this was the bomb that prematurely exploded killing 3 members.)
Is Ayers a communist sympathizer and supporter? Yes, he says as much in his books. He actually prefers Marx's form over Lenin's form of communism and says as much.
Does he hate capitalism? Yes he tried to destroy the american capitalistic society (his own words).
So does Obama befriending and working with this guy willingly for over 4 years bring into a question of character? Sure it does. I am sorry, possibly cheating does not even compare to befriending a terrorists that is unrepentant for his actions and has a very extreme view of the America and the freedoms of this country. Even a disregard for American lives.
Yeah, I got my people mixed up. He pardoned some of the weather underground but ayers was never pardoned.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmick
So what will the Bush administrion hang its hat on? What has it done for the citizens of this country and the global community? ...
*Freeing over 30 million people from tyranny
*Declaring War on Terror after the previous admin let over half a dozen attacks against us go unanswered
*Bringing the economy out of the Clinton recession of 2000 (look it up) and the recession post 9-11.
*Bringing in more tax revenue than ever before
That's off the top of my head.