You vote for the light you think is right


I hope a chiller is in the 900$ budget as if you go with MH you will probably need one. If you do this will cust your lighting budget in half at least.
Even with out a canopy, to have the MH's far enough up so they wil not overheat your water you will suffer majorly on the depth.
I still say go with the t-5's if you are bugeted. There isn't much your can't do with them if there is anything you can't do. Your chances of needing a chiller with them are majorly decreased.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ANinaFish
I hope a chiller is in the 900$ budget as if you go with MH you will probably need one. If you do this will cust your lighting budget in half at least.
Even with out a canopy, to have the MH's far enough up so they wil not overheat your water you will suffer majorly on the depth.
I still say go with the t-5's if you are bugeted. There isn't much your can't do with them if there is anything you can't do. Your chances of needing a chiller with them are majorly decreased.
First hi nina !! how is thhe skimer working out hope all is well.
Anywho if I go with the aqua I wont need a chiller im pretty sure but I could be wrong. I like the lights you and I discussed but the only prblem Is they have parabolic reflectors which irritates me to no end for some reason. I would need to change them out for singles then I would have to run less bulbs.
It is still in my mind however.
I also want to say I can not afford to use a chiller so the lights I use can not overheat my tank.
thanks for bringing that up as well nina.


Active Member
That Solar Flare T5 is going to throw more light than most 250 watt halides. Aquactinics has a regular driven 7 lamp T5 fixture called the Constellation that would be more usable.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
That Solar Flare T5 is going to throw more light than most 250 watt halides. Aquactinics has a regular driven 7 lamp T5 fixture called the Constellation that would be more usable.
Aquactinics Constellation T5 High Output Fixtures
Unique aluminum fixture design allows the fixture to be placed directly on top of tank without dramatically heating the water or fixture.
Can hold up to 7 54W(48" unit) or 14 39W(72" unit) T5 HO lamps
48" or 72" long, 14" wide, and 3" high.
All fixtures come with 95% reflectivity Miro IV full-length individual reflectors for maximum light propagation.
Quiet dual ball bearing fans on top of fixture help displace heat away from the tank.
All aluminum construction for a light weight and ridged design.
All fixtures are powder coated for extended fixture life.
Three switches on fixture for dusk / dawn lighting or for reduced lighting applications. One switch for 3 rows, another for 2 rows, and the last switch for 2 rows. Also, separate power cords for each of the switches.
Splash shield keeps the bulbs safe while also helping to keep the heat away from the

This would run with lights and legs around 900 then shipping how is it better than the above mentioned. I do not see what kind of balast it has nor fans etc other than ball bearing fans..
Is it as quality as the other with icecaps ?
I have to say I like the look of it and how the fans pull the heat upwards instead of out to the sides.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
That Solar Flare T5 is going to throw more light than most 250 watt halides. Aquactinics has a regular driven 7 lamp T5 fixture called the Constellation that would be more usable.
So I found them with free shipping without bulbs for 680 bucks. I called the guy scott and he sells both the solar flare and the const. He has the const on his own tank and likes it and said he would go with it over the solar due to the sleeker look ( I like that better than a utility looking light ) but he also made a point the solar with less bulbs because of design under a par meter will be a better lamp due to the icecaps etc something to think about for me I guess.


I like the Constellation but my concern with that would be they sit directly on the tank. The look is great at only 3" but I would majorly be concerned about heat. I would try to find someone who owns these and find out what they think. I know there are fans built in but in my mind the fans are going to have to be super loud or the tank should heat. They can hold 378 watts of lighting. T5 bulbs run at about 4.3 degrees F per watt. On mine the fans cools that down to 2.5 degrees F on average. That means your bulbs will put 1625.4 degrees F (without fans) directly on your glass or water. Lets say the fans take care of 75% of the heat (which would put out some noise) that would take it down to 406.35 degrees.
You would have to hang these suckers I would think but 378 watts would do well for almost anything you wanted. I just think you are getting into chiller range again.
IMO don't worry so much about being able to do everything with these lights without buying a chiller. I would tone down the lights a lot and think about just going with softies for now, or come up with a wish list and go from there. Not to mention the corals that require extreme wattage are going to require a lot more then strong lighting. Just look at what Goodwin had to do to try and keep them! Like with anything you try in life, if you want to be able to do everything its going to cost everything =p


Active Member
Originally Posted by ANinaFish
I like the Constellation but my concern with that would be they sit directly on the tank. The look is great at only 3" but I would majorly be concerned about heat. I would try to find someone who owns these and find out what they think. I know there are fans built in but in my mind the fans are going to have to be super loud or the tank should heat. They can hold 378 watts of lighting. T5 bulbs run at about 4.3 degrees F per watt. On mine the fans cools that down to 2.5 degrees F on average. That means your bulbs will put 1625.4 degrees F (without fans) directly on your glass or water. Lets say the fans take care of 75% of the heat (which would put out some noise) that would take it down to 406.35 degrees.
You would have to hang these suckers I would think but 378 watts would do well for almost anything you wanted. I just think you are getting into chiller range again.
IMO don't worry so much about being able to do everything with these lights without buying a chiller. I would tone down the lights a lot and think about just going with softies for now, or come up with a wish list and go from there. Not to mention the corals that require extreme wattage are going to require a lot more then strong lighting. Just look at what Goodwin had to do to try and keep them! Like with anything you try in life, if you want to be able to do everything its going to cost everything =p

Points well taken. I spoke to a guy who is using the Constellation and the heat is driven upwards. He also stated no need for a chiller unless I keep my house hot. In the summer I run the a/c at 70 degrees and as of right now I have everyy window open in the house and it is 70 degrees. the hottest my house might get might be 75 withh no ac running like right now ( you live close so you know what the weather is like here.) He and others have stated unless I keep it around 80 i will not need a chiller at all. I am unsure and your making me investigate it further though. He also said the other aqua will not need a chiller with the temp I keep my house at.


Although the temp of your house does matter it is really only in extreme cases, such as no heat in the winter at 120 in the summer. You are talking about a 5-10 degree difference in a home. Lets say the house is 80 instead of 70. This 10 degree difference is small compared to the 100's of degrees you are pointing at your tank. I think in a 10-20 gallon tank room temp may have a larger barring but on a 75 I would have to say 10 degrees room temp would not likely make the choice of chiller or no.
Anyone out there that can verify this? I have not had a chiller so I am going off of knowledge not experience here and it is very possible I have neither.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Fats71
Aquactinics Constellation T5 High Output Fixtures
This would run with lights and legs around 900 then shipping how is it better than the above mentioned. I do not see what kind of balast it has nor fans etc other than ball bearing fans..
Is it as quality as the other with icecaps ?
I have to say I like the look of it and how the fans pull the heat upwards instead of out to the sides.
This fixture doesn't overdrive the lamps. You can actually sit it right on the tank if you wish. I do it with mine, no heat issues. It uses Sylvania ballasts which are good. Fans seem to be good. It is a way nicer looking fixture than the Flare IMO.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Fats71
So I found them with free shipping without bulbs for 680 bucks. I called the guy scott and he sells both the solar flare and the const. He has the const on his own tank and likes it and said he would go with it over the solar due to the sleeker look ( I like that better than a utility looking light ) but he also made a point the solar with less bulbs because of design under a par meter will be a better lamp due to the icecaps etc something to think about for me I guess.

Glad you found Scott. A straight shooter and best price of the Aquactinics I've seen.
The solar Flare uses Ice Cap ballasts which overdrive T5 lamps. Thats fine if you have a tall tank. My constellation is putting enough PAR to the sand to grow most critters. My tank is 5 feet long and 22" tall. So 5 foot tank and 4 foot lamps. I have a bulb tipped anemone that hangs out in the front corner of the tank on the sand, out from under the lights! Thats impressive but even more so when you consider the most powerful lamp I am using is the ATI blue Pluses. I use a UVL 75/25 which is slightly lower output than the Blue Plus, a UV Super Actinic and a ATI pro Color both of which have very low PAR. Next to the ATI powermodul this is the nicest fixture I've used and I have used nearly all of the T5's. One downside is I wish the fans were a little quiter. The fans themselves aren't loud but the air pushing through makes noise. Mine is in the livingroom and the noise isn't objectionable. If you've ever heard the sound an external dryer vent on a house makes its kinda like that, nothing obnoxious.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Fats71
Points well taken. I spoke to a guy who is using the Constellation and the heat is driven upwards. He also stated no need for a chiller unless I keep my house hot. In the summer I run the a/c at 70 degrees and as of right now I have everyy window open in the house and it is 70 degrees. the hottest my house might get might be 75 withh no ac running like right now ( you live close so you know what the weather is like here.) He and others have stated unless I keep it around 80 i will not need a chiller at all. I am unsure and your making me investigate it further though. He also said the other aqua will not need a chiller with the temp I keep my house at.
With your house at 70 degrees you can probably use a halide fixture without a chiller. You would want to get a 250 watt unit so it can be say 6 inches above the tank.


If you can put the Constellations direct on the glass I have a new light on the wish list. They are very sleek looking


Active Member
azul1994, LexLuethar, mojo46825, rebelprettyboy, SteelGluer, thefishy, Whitebird
voted for the current light but none of you said why can you elaborate on it so I can figure out why it instead of others ?


Active Member
More people voting for the current light but not one person says why kinda weird.
I do not know why people click on one and wont say why they think it is the light to go with. I am wondering about the tek and the Current lights why people think they are better than the ones listed any responses ?


if you want to keep anything that you want and run cool,sleek,modern i suggest you go with the 8x54watt ati t-5 they produce 50%more than most t-5 lights and its what all the european sps keepers are using. i just ordered mine for my 75gallon sps reef. pm me if you would like the site because there is only one that i know of that sells them


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
I voted solar flare before I saw your tank was only 21" tall. Unless you plan on SPS, clams and Anemones only that light is overkill.
The Aquactinic TX5 T5 fixture will let you grow anything in that tank as long as you place them right.
I know I want anem and clams for sure at some point.


Active Member
Well I think I am going to go with either the solar flare or the tek one or the other. My lfs will hook me up on either so I am going that route. I did not get enough feedback on the current lighting to be able to even think about it same as the others no one really said anything about them.
Thanks for helping out all that did it is much appreciated.