"You want a piece of me?!?" says my clown


New Member
I added a perc clown to my 29 gallon. My inhabitants now consists of 1 3striped damsel, 1 perc clown, 2 hermits, and 1 turbo snail. I'm really concerned at how the clown and the damsel are confronting each other. They are chasing each other around the tank. The clown is standing ground. He's not backing down one bit. The damsel, however, is the instigator. He starts up then he runs and hides. I shifted the rocks around before I added the clown. I tried feeding them both this morning, but they are not eating. Is this normal? How long can I expect this quarrelling to continue? I now see why everyone hates damsels...they are nothing but bullies. Any suggestions on how I can ease the tension in the tank? I was thinking about getting rid of the damsel, but I really don't want to.
Any advice is appreciated...thanks!


Damsels are very territorial unfortunately. Only thing you can do is maybe keep the lights off, re-arrange the rocks again and let them get situated for a day or so. This might ease the tension. If not, I would say something might have to go. Having them chase each other and not eat is just not a good thing to have in the tank. If this is a reef tank, you might add an anenome for the clown and the damsel will steer clear, also make sure there is plenty of rock for hiding spaces and not just a couple pieces.


to moo.. Im not an expert, buti had the same problem a week ago. The damsel attcked the clown, biting his fin. Eventualy the clown died from the stress of conferentaion. I have now removed the damsel, and the tank is peaceful. If you want to keep the clown i think is what you'll have to do. The damsels are such agressive fish! Hope this helps


New Member
Thank you so much for your help :)
My initial decision was to rid my tank of the damsel. I was on my way towards the fish store when my emotions kicked in. I thought to myself...I had this little bugger since day one. I've grown quite attached to him. He lived through my cycling...if I return him to the LFS, he might not be so lucky in someone elses tank. So I've decided to keep him in my quarantine 10 gallon. This will be his new home. He's still small yet...so this should do for now.
I also picked up another perc clown. They are getting along better than with the damsel.
Well thanks alot ppl for all your help. I'll keep you posted on how things turn out.


New Member
The above pic was the quarrel between my damsel and clown. If you look closely the ref is my hermit crab. :)


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