All this talk about supply and demand is hog-wash. They, the oil companies, have all the supply (oil) that they want. The demand hasn't increased at all.
I lived in Florida the year we got hit by five hurricanes. The oil companies were claiming low supply, because there was too much of a demand....... blah, blah, blah,...... That year ALL the oil companies made RECORD profits. As did the politicians who support them.
It's our own fault that we decide to pay these prices. I see single people driving Suburbans,.....for what? If you have a family of 5-6, sure I can see your point. We also choose to drive these powerfully, HUGE V-8, and sometimes V-10, SUV's. We choose to buy these cool looking, gas guzzling, H-3's. We'd rather not drive a nice, gas saving 4-cylinder Camry or Accord, because they're just not cool enough.
The everyday joe, you and me, has the final control of gas prices. We purchase the vehicles and are responsible for filling them up.
This is what I see as happening, IMO.