You won't believe this but...


Active Member
Originally Posted by puff_puff_
i just realized they killed of girl trouble.. :( thats sad... again proving my point.. this free country really isnt

I'm glad they locked it up. My 11 year old daughter searches this forum and she doesn't need to read that immature crap. Thanks Ophiura!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Oceanists
morons :mad: there are 3 things you can count on in this world 1. Stupid humans 2. Taxes 3. Chuck Norris
OH NOO!!! NOT the chuck norris jokes again!!!

as for the killing of sting rays...
this is an ignorant act... what is it going to solve???


Originally Posted by ruaround
this is an ignorant act... what is it going to solve???
that's what i'm sayin.
and keep cockroaches around. someone hasta inherit the earth once we nuke ourselves.


Active Member
maybe thats what killed the sting rays.....CHuck Norris walked down the beach, and they all flung theirselves oout of the water and mutilated theirselves in fear of him


Active Member
There arent too many asses Chuck Norris hasnt kicked already. I heard he is currently looking for that sting ray to administer some roundhouseology.
Chuck Norris dosent fear the dark, the dark fears Chuck Norris and Chuck Norris dosent do push ups, he pushes the earth down.


Originally Posted by puff_puff_
ever kick a pidgeon.
my cousin did... we were in chicago and she was walking backwards trying to take a pic. She accidentally kicked a pigeon who freaked out and fluttered around, causing an uproar with all the other ones... sent my cousin screaming and running for her life... aahhhh, i wish i had my video camera on...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Phixer
There arent too many asses Chuck Norris hasnt kicked already. I heard he is currently looking for that sting ray to administer some roundhouseology.
Chuck Norris dosent fear the dark, the dark fears Chuck Norris and Chuck Norris dosent do push ups, he pushes the earth down.
:cheer: keep it up :cheer:


my buddy's pit bull caught a pigeon midair about 8 years ago. seeing that was one of the greatest moments of my life.


Active Member
Originally Posted by soto
my buddy's pit bull caught a pigeon midair about 8 years ago. seeing that was one of the greatest moments of my life.
That's weird, one of the greatest moments of my life was around that time too, when a buddy of mine caught a bat in mid-air while fly fishing. :thinking: