you won't believe this


Active Member
I just came from the LFS...and they had an extra large niger, large panther and extra large naso for sale....all together, they were $410....
Our buddy at the store said "I will give all these fish to you for $45 if you get them out of my store".
We said....ARE YOU KIDDING?! He told us the fish were too big for anyone's tank...and those who had room could not handle aggressive fish like these.
We'd been seeing these fish for many, many months there...they'd started to really decline in health (especially the naso and the niger) over the last couple of weeks....So we said...put 'em in a bucket and you've got a sale. We're freshwater dipping them now. It's going to take forever to acclimate them...but we'll manage.
$45. I just hope they survive the eels...but they'd be dead anyway soon from the all the parasites on them. At least they've got a FIGHTING (!) chance in our tank:)


Thats a SCORE.
I am quite sure that you will give the new fish a loving home with great water parameters and proper diet.
Good Luck, and once they are back to health you are required to show us pictures! Its the law.


Active Member
That brings me back to remembering the blonde naso I had before he started picking at my Cali rays. Ill sure miss him.


Active Member
I'm not optimistic about the naso. The guy was just dying in the store...and he may not survive the eels.
I'm hopeful all will be well till we get another tank set up...but like I said, they were dead fish swimming in the store and at least have a fighting chance in the eel tank (I do mean fighting literally!)
And to all the folks who think I don't know about the size of these fish, or the eels, or whatever else...Yes I do...but you're right...and I did it anyway to maybe save these fish.


Active Member
Good attitude, Polar. Sometimes the experienced aquarist should just go on a whim, its more fun that way.

nemo lover

Good luck polarpooch. Yeah you are right alot of lfs stick them selfs with these XXL-fish. And your right alot of times they just wither away and die. the niger and grouper don't look to to bad in the pic. Looks like They all just need a little TLC.
I love your dog.


Active Member
I love your dog.
Just for reference, those fish were in 20g tanks. The naso was in with a dogface, and a spanish hogfish....and the panther was in with a lionfish. Cramped quarters to be sure!
The niger looks good after the FW dip--but its eyes are very cloudy...the panther wasn't too bad, just too big for a 20g...the naso is just in awful shape...his side fins are nearly gone...his tail is trashed, and you can see his bones through his skin.
BTW, the niger is actually facing off the green in the tank...and the green is backing off. That's one bold or brave or stupid fish.
The panther is just too big for the eels to eat...but the naso...we'll be lucky if the thing makes it. He's weak and has no fins, not a lot of defense right now. But he's big...and that makes him not too appealing to the eels, which are used to eating fish half his size...and even the green would have a hard time choking him down! I hope...knock on wood.

tony detroit

Active Member
Good luck with the naso, I lost my first one, he freaked out as soon as I put him in the tank. They are pretty hard to keep, but hopefully you can save him. Varied diet, seaweed, fed multiple times daily, you'd be surprised but damaged tangs can turn right around in a couple months. Are you running UV?


Active Member
Are you running UV?
Yes we are.
Thanks for the tips on the Naso. He's perking up a bit, having a lot more room to swim. Boy, though...they are some big fish full size. I hope they don't get much bigger till we get them they're own tank set up. But that's not till we move out of this place.


What a great deal. I hope they all survive. You must have a big tank!
I love the picture of your dog looking into the bucket!!


Active Member
I love the picture of your dog looking into the bucket!!
One thing about huskies...they are FISH HOUNDS! I wish I had taken a pick of her yesterday after she got the head of a bass my BF had just word: eeeccchhhhhhhhhh. What a mess.
I was really worried getting that pic....because she would have snagged that naso...


I'm SURE one of my dogs would have had a good fresh fish meal if I'd let them look into my acclimation bucket.
Oh, I bet that bass did make a hug mess! YUCK!


How much was it for just the grouper. My LFS has one just like him size and every thing and I want to keep him by himself(sept for some feeding chromis on ocasion) in my 55 gallon.
How does he act and what do you feed him. Also if he bit you how much damage you think he could do??


Active Member
The grouper on his own was $5 bucks!
Understand that they get to be some 2.5 feet long. That's just too much fish for a 55g:)
I'd take a pass on that guy at the LFS!
I haven't fed him yet...just got him tonight. I have read they are aggressive feeders, and have been known to move rocks:)