you won't believe this


Active Member
They are sure as dead with those eels
No, not really--not till the green gets a fair bit bigger. The niger and grouper are big enough they won't get eaten...the naso is pretty fast...but I am worried about it becoming a meal for the green.


Active Member
So far, so good...we added a ton more rock to the tank to give everyone secure hiding places...and the eels are behaving themselves. I think when we rearranged all the rock and added some, it freaked out the eels even more. They're acting timid toward the fish. Don't know if that will last. The naso is eating well, and has better color now. The niger appears to have none of the parasites he came with and is eating well. The grouper didn't really have problems, except he was in a 20g tank! He's just mellow and hungry all the time.



Originally posted by SaltFisher
They are sure as dead with those eels. Good luck though.. Damn good deal..!

Can you state your opinions with a bit more compassion? You sound like a jerk.

nemo lover

Yeah the grouper are lil pigs regardless. When I first started in this hobby I had a fowlr,and a horrible lfs that told me I could keep anything I practically wanted. I had a very overstocked tank and thank goodness I didn't have any casualtys. I decided to switch to reef and got store credit for my fish. Wanna quick laugh?
I had a clown grouper, lionfish, yellow tang, huma huma trigger, and a puffer in a 55 gallon.

Since then I have found a new lfs.


Active Member
how many gallons is your tank?
i love my panther grouper and i feed mine krill and brine shrimp. They do love to eat!