You would be so proud...all growed up!!!


I listened to everyone last night and did what I did. I took everyones advice on this tank and went out and purchased 2 270 GPH power sweeps, one for each side of the tank. Then a hang on bio-filter that goes 500 GPH on it's own. I still have my skimmer doing a little over 300 that puts me up over 1300 GPH for a 55 gallon. I also went to the local store and purchased 3-6 gallon empty water jugs and sterilized them. I then went to my local grocery store that sells RO water for 29 cents a gallon (good price). And filled up all three jugs. I am doing a 12 gallon water change tomorrow as I have a powerhead and heater heating up the water to about 78 degrees and I will then add the salt.

I think that the RO unit is pretty good that I purchased the water from. You stick your jugs in the thing and enter the amount needed. This is what it says
Stage one: Carbon filtration - phosphate free
Stage two: Ultraviolet light then filters the water
Stage three: Reverse Osmosis system filters the water
Stage four: Passed once again through the ultraviolet light
Stage five: one last pass through the carbon filtration to remove any final odors or colors
Seems all right to me.


Not sure if you have anything in the 55 or not but you should mix the salt before you put the water in the tank if you do have anything in it


I must have said something wrong. LOL. The 12 gallons of RO water is in a 35 gallon rubber trash can with the powerhead and heater in it. I DID NOT add it directly to the tank, LOL. I was told that is the best way to do it. The seperate container thing is a given, but I heard that if you try to heat it up any other way it can harm stuff that the water needs. And that if you add the salt while the water is too cold, it will get rid of a good deal of the trace elements from the salt.


Ok just making sure lol. It sounded like you where dumping in the tank then adding salt. Sounds like you have a handle on things. I would not do the salt water making any other way.


Yeah. For some odd reason I had my light on for awhile today, I didnt get home till later and it was on for about 12 hours. My diatoms are actually going away a little bit (dont want to jinx it) and I havent even added the new RO water yet. I will get to that tomorrow.


may i suggest to you to put the salt in the ro water bucket and mix to desired SG and aerate that for 24hrs to let the salt mix do its thing, do bring your CA, alk, and pH into balance and then add it to your tank.


Yes sir. That is what I plan on doing. After the water reaches the 78 degrees, I am going to add the salt and get it to the right SG. It already has a venturi powerhead in there airaitin air, getting air to the water, LOL. The nozzle for air injection is turned all the way up. I will probably add the salt later tonight if my heater allows it to get that high tonight, then let it all mix till tomorrow.