Young Harliquin Tusk for $25

jigga w00t

I found a new fish store on craigslist, kind of a long drive, but lots of stuff is really cheap there:
$15 croceas (3"+)
$20 maximas (1.5")
$12 true percula clowns...
$.99/lb for live sand (he's got the sand in a tank, so its not in some bag for months!!)
40, 55, and 60 gallon glass tanks are $56!!! (I was thinking about the 40, but since the 60gal is the same price...
$25 Harliquin tusks approx 2". He tried to sell me a four inch one for $40. I said, "for a 24gal tank?" he's like, "oh nevermind..." I've done plenty of research on tuskfish, and the cheap ones (I've never seen one for less than $100) are probably from the indio-pacific, which means it could have been caught with cyanide.
(for those of you that don't know, the diver squirts cyanide out of a bottle at the fish hiding in a hole, stunning it for an easy catch. But the cyanide will damage the fish beyond recovery, destined to die within a few months or less.)
I was there for a while, picking his brain with lots of questions. But I think he may have indicated the harliquin tusks were tank-raised (which would be awesome), but I'll ask again. Assuming I get the 60gal, with a young 2-3" harliquin tusk, would it still dine on my astrea snails, and few hermits? (The adult tusk probably would, but a young one?) Or would he be OK if he's well-fed? People say they eat inverts, what about nudi's? (lettuce nudi) Should I assume a clam would be in danger?
PS. Harliquin Tusk's are my favorite fish. Whenever I see one, I can't help but stop and watch (or stare).... I may already know the answers, but I guess I just want to hear "no, you'll be fine, once you get the 60 set up and its stable, get the fish and be happy"


Active Member
almost any tusk will eat snails and hermits.If this place is selling small tusks for $25, something just doesn't sound right. Any online retailer (or lfs) would buy as many of these as they could.


Active Member
+1, and I am not aware of any tusks being tank raised. Also for being a medium sized fish tusks require alot of swimming room, my 6" tusk uses every bit of my 220 gallon tank, so a 60 would be a little tight after it starts to grow.


Active Member
A tusk for $25.. Dont know about that.. hell they arent that cheap at wholesale for the most part.. and I really doubt they are tank raised..