young reefers tank contest


YIMMY, i like your rock, very nice coral shapes and covered nicely with algae. And ur butterfly looked very good in your tank, good contrast. sorry u lost him


Active Member
Originally Posted by Clown Boy
Is this a monti?
nope, thats some type of leather i think
oh, and can i enter?, im 18, and everything is self funded :happyfish


Active Member
Originally Posted by Clown Boy
Is this a monti?

nope. that is a cabbage leather.
montiporas (montis) dont jsut come in flat sheets. there are many types of montis like the caprocornis (caps) , which does come in the sheets, then there are digitatas which branch out. and there are encrusting montis like the nosada.
and teen, im not the starter of the thread, but i say you can post. 18 an younger right?


Active Member
Originally Posted by fishieness
and teen, im not the starter of the thread, but i say you can post. 18 an younger right?
ok, well if everyone agrees, ill post sometime tomorrow.


Originally Posted by zanoshanox
I'm gonna be 16 on Friday its a 20 gl reef with PC's...Not too great but i'm working on makin it better all the time

wow i finally found someone with a 20 long ineed ur help i want to make a reef but dont know if i have the right equipment i have biowheeel a powerhead 20lbs of lr and 65 watt odyssea