Your Anemone Life Span


Maybe ignorance is bliss in my case....
I have a curlique ane that hitchhiked into my tank on my original LR.
Its grown and moved itself around a little. Its survived me spiking the ph so high that I killed off my brittle star and sally lightfoot along with some of the snails.
Its survived being partially pulled into a powerhead. Its one tough little sucker.
I do not feed it anything special, it just hangs out in its little corner and lives :).
I'd get another anemone but in a 37 gal, theres not much room for one to grow.


I have a White Sebae that I have had for about 1 1/2 years it has stayed in the same place since I bought it and my Clarkii is in love with it. It eats well and is tan more than white now. It has lived through a malfunctioning heater ammonia spikes and the works. When my heater malfuntioned the aquarium water reached 98 degrees, it shriveled up but once the water temp came back down it was business as usual. I think I have been pretty lucky with him so far.


Active Member

Originally posted by j21kickster
Just thought id dig this one up for fun

I will update people on my anemone projects. I am slowly converting my 29g tank into nothing but different kinds of BTA's. I have two rust colored ones with whiteish greenish tips, 1 green with pink tips, and a rose on the way. Every one of these anemones has split in my tank(except the rose which is tank propogated and I should be picking up this weekend). I am also forcing 2 of them to split this week. I am hoping to eventually have my 55g set up for nothing but anemone propogation. I also am thinking very very hard about aquiring 2 sebae anemones of different sexes and trying to propgate that's been kind of hard to find a female though?

Active Member
i can only vote 3-6 months. i have only had them for about 4 months and they look like they are doing great here is a pic of them with my 2 clowns
I have BTS's that won't QUIT splitting. :( Too many for my 90 and not in a readily accessible place to remove one or two or three of them. Offer BTA to whomever wants to remove it/them without causing a landslide in my reef or death to the BTA. I know several of you live close to me. If you want them, they're yours! Look big, colorful and healthy.
Edit: Just re-read this thread. I see lots of "guests". I presume these are former members. Where is everyone going?


Active Member
Phoenix Rising I have several ways of removing them.
1. Point a powerhead directly at them, They will start to crawl eventualy, place a piece of slate or flat rock on bothe sides, when they crawl on it pick it up.
2. Hold the rock they are on just out of the water, so one tentacle can touch they will let go with there feet and start to slide towards the water, then it is easy to remove them with out tearing there foor.
3. With you thumbs rub the base until it starts to move, then do same as last part of numbe 2.
J21- You can --- them by looking under their skirts:D Just kidding, if you hold them up to a light you can actually see their reproductive organs. I force them to split By removing them from the water and sticking them in a bucket with no current, and let the temp drop about 2-5 degrees, then stick them back in the tank, and rais the tank temp about 3 degrees. It stresses them into splitting. When I ge the 55g set up, I will do massive water changes instead. 50% with lower or higher slainity, and different temperatures.


Bronco you were going to make a anemone tank, what happened to your project?
Actually i m good at keeping aiptasias if you are counting them as anemones ;)
I m not good at keeping tropical anemones but i have some Mediterrenean anemones. One of them is actinia equina, a very hardy anemone you cant even kill him w/ high nitrate levels or by not giving him any food or light... i also have one more anemone that i again brought it from the sea... he just looks like a lta but he looks healthy and i just have 2*18W flos! So i dont think he is a lta, although my tomato clown hosts it a little bit


Bronco: what temp to u keep yer anemones at? I killed 2 LTA before dropping my temp from 82 to 75. now my tank stays 75 and i havent lost one since. I currently have 2 lta and doing great. How were u recommending sexing them? Id like to use moon lights to try to cycle them into breeding sexually any info?
Anemones are hermaphroditic, and can decide either to reproduce sexually or asexually. They reproduce sexually during difficult surroundings and reproduce asexually under ideal conditions.


Active Member

Originally posted by j21kickster
that is awesome- what is the differenct in organs- other than the obvious

Thats my 90g I am still going to do that also...but after this semester. I'll post more about sexing and temperature stuff a little later tonight, I have to get back to homework.


Active Member

Originally posted by jauringer
good info. It's interesting that over 50% of the voters have not kept one for over a year.

true however, 50% ONLY relfects the actual number of votes, not anemones kept
How many have not answered and worse yet, how many anemone killers or keepers have not even ever read this post?
Of those 50, most wont see yrs and the svival, I am sure, is partly due to education ON THIS BOARD. Hopefully many other attempts(since we will still try it) will be as successful.


Active Member

Originally posted by J-Cal
Bronco: what temp to u keep yer anemones at? I killed 2 LTA before dropping my temp from 82 to 75. now my tank stays 75 and i havent lost one since. I currently have 2 lta and doing great. How were u recommending sexing them? Id like to use moon lights to try to cycle them into breeding sexually any info?

You can --- them easily if they are close to spawning. Holding them up to bright lights you can see their Gonads below there mouths(no jokes anybody) in males they will be a plain white, and in females more colorful pink, green and reddish. It is harder the further away from spawning they are. As far as temp most anemones can adjust to just about every temperature due to varied location on the reef....except the LTA which prefers the bottom on sand, which explains the cooler temperature, but I would think somewhere in the 78degree range would be better IMO. The moonlight might help, but all the research I have read seem to indicate that they get there cue from the tides. I would think adding more powerheads and slowly cutting back the current, and then building it back up would simulate it. That or running multiple surge devices with increasing GPH rate on the pumps. IF you can't tell I think about this a lot, and someday I will be done with school and be able to focus on whats important.....BREEDING, well anemones that is.


Active Member
I find the poll VERY misleading...."anemone" is far too general. There are so many anemone species it's not good to lump them into one for a poll newbies may see.....the tank lifespans of anemones range from nearly impossible, all the way to pest level where people want them gone.


Active Member
It was implied that we were talking about- ones like Bubble, Carpet, Sebae- I know it is general but as a whole anemones pose a chalange for the average aquarist


Sorry kinda OT
Any ideas you have about this post or e-mail to
I got into the hobby for anemones, and I really want to breed them too. Personally do u think a larger tank or smaller tank would be more conducive to breeding? It would be asier to vary flow in a smaller tank, and many fish spawn more readily in smaller tanks (I think it would have something to do with noticing other fisheasier or controlling minute details in h20 quality). I've definitely noticed it in discus, and I've read that my clowns are more likely to spawn in a smaller tank where they cant spread out all the time. Do you think anemones would be the same? I thought that maybe since LTA dont climb well I could set up rock "walls" and put them in little areas to prevent them from attacking one another, but my 2 have been within 6 inches of each other and not done anything.
Any data/sources would also be appreciated. Especially about size b4 breeding is possible. Tks,