Your Best Christmas Present EVER


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Originally Posted by Mimzy
for Chanuka one year my parents bought me a bouncy horse - like a rocking horse, only it was suspended in the air on a big metal stand and connected with springs so you could sit on it and bounce up and down and up and down and up and down and up...

I can picture this exactly!!! Oh I wanted one of those!!!!!!!!!!! Someone had one though...I remember using it. Maybe a neighbor kid. They always had better stuff ya know.


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Originally Posted by Farmboy
What do you do with a ring of carrots, anyway?

Well Farmboy since you have the name of someone who may live on a farm, I think for Christmas you would give a ring of carrots to your horses.
I think that might be their best present to write on the flip side if you have significant other you may never get spoken to again!!!


Active Member
I don't know about that, Kelly. My wife would probably know what to do with a ring of carrots. She is a GREAT cook.


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Originally Posted by Thomas712
So, how about it? Favorite presents? Favorite memories? Current wish list for comparisons?

Favorite Christmas?
Everyone I knew and loved was alive, and we knew the true meaning of Christmas!

Ok, now you made me feel bad about saying my Chrissy doll was my best present ever!


Seriously hasn't anyone else felt that way? A christmas comes up and we look at the wall at a picture of the loved ones that have passed away and christmas has always been different since they have been gone. We look back at all the things that have ever excited us in the cataloges, all the things we ever got, that first bike, first doll, or that special gift that we will never forget. All of those good gifts and good times. As we look back now it wasn't what we got, it was who we were with, how we felt about all the family get togethers, going to grandma and grandpa's. Maybe its just what we remember as kids, or for parents who measure the day by how successful their kid's christmas was, hopfully with no dissapointments. Days like that become memories, not just what you got!, because that fades.
Maybe I should be a ghost of christmas or something! :thinking:


One of my favorite Christmas's ever was when I was about 7 or 8. I got a majorette costume...yep.. boots, hat and baton!!! Things sure were alot simpler back then!!


Active Member
Nope,'re not a ghost. That definitely plays a major role. Our Christmas' has certainly changed a great deal since I was a kid. No uncle, no grandma. And it will change more in the future for sure. So those pictures and memories are absolutely priceless, and mixed into the whole experience and memory of the season. Perhaps what is most meaningful, in some ways, is to remember what you had - however annoying you thought it at the time - because at some point it will never be that way again. As a child I used to hate going to my relatives place...mostly the trip I guess, but as an adult, and with some of those relatives now gone, you do look back and realize that you miss it, and enjoyed it, more than you understood at the time. :)


Active Member
The last time I saw my grandpa was last xmas!! I would love to go back to that xmas!! I would hug and kiss him even more than I did then.
I really miss the xmas eves' with my now past away in laws. She was the queen of xmas

darth tang

Active Member
You guys are right. Christmas after we lost our Grandma was never the same. All the famil, cousins, aunts, mom dad, brother would get together at my grandparents house every year. After set of cousins and uncle moved away and hadn't seen them for almost 15 years. I just buried my grandfather this summer.....It was the only time since that last Christmas all of us had got together. It was a sad day, yet the stories and memories just kept being discussed and we all laughed while we cried. Is christmas the same for me? No. But now, I get to watch my kids and their Cousins each year and it helps make up for it. Is it the same, No, but it is still good, but a different good. Thanks Thomas for the reminder.


Active Member

Originally Posted by Thomas712
So, how about it? Favorite presents? Favorite memories? Current wish list for comparisons?

Favorite Christmas
Everyone I knew and loved was alive, and we knew the true meaning of Christmas!

Thomas you are absolutely right , christmas was always a big family event with my family we would all draw names out of a hat , my grandpa was always the one keeping the family together , then back in 2000 he passed unexpectedly , and it all fell apart , it has never been the same. Its amazing what one loyal genuine respected man can do for a family. It really strikes my heart when i think back to those christmas's when i was young. I would love to beable to go back for just one day.
Favorite Christmas Gift : When i was young i got a flashlight which included Batteries ...... I was young and i dont remember this to much , but my parents say that i was so freaking excited to see batteries , that they could have probably gotten away with just getting me a package of batteries for christmas ..... But my favorite couple of Xmas gifts that i do remember , My first Bike and the day i learned to ride it without training wheels , i felt like a rebel ...... also when i was around 11 , i got a much wanted pair of roller blades , I was extremely excited.
My favorite Memory as a kid on christmas , was , you know those big towers with the red flashing lights on them so plains dont crash into them ... well being young and volnurable my parents on the ride home from my grandparents family party on xmas eve , told me that it was rudolph and i beleived it with excitment ..... and even though being affraid of the dark and being affraid of the downstairs when there were no adults down there , i would muster up enough courage to walk halfway down the stairs to see if i was a good boy and santa came or not , and when i found out i would get so excited run back up stairs and goto bed , then in the morning the cookies and carrots i left out would be half eaten.


One year for Chanukah my mom decided to make my Mustang "safer"
-Global West coils for the front and leafs for the back
-Disc brake conversion for the front
-5 lug axle for the rear
-Giant sway bar for the front
-Cragar S/S rims wrapped in Dunlop G/T Qualifiers . . .
I really miss that car


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Originally Posted by ophiura
I remember going through the big Sears catalog, making up my list.
LOL! My sister and I used to do that. We'd wind up with about 300 toys on our list. I think the best Christmas present I ever got was "Light and Sound Legos" and a bunch of Star Wars figurines. I don't necessarily think it was the toys that were the best, but the time. It was 20 years ago when I was 7 years old and living in Germany (my dad was stationed there).
The snow was a foot deep, the house we living in was beautiful and the scenery was lovely. I don't think I've ever been as happy as when I lived there.
EDIT- OMG I forgot about the Christmas when I got the original Nintendo with Mario Brothers, Duckhunt, and the Olympic Games all on one cartridge. It also came with that powerpad thing you ran on & that laser gun. THAT was the best present ever.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Mimzy
for Chanuka one year my parents bought me a bouncy horse - like a rocking horse, only it was suspended in the air on a big metal stand and connected with springs so you could sit on it and bounce up and down and up and down and up and down and up...
Oh my g-d I miss my horsie.

I'm still giggling about this................

sorry Thomas.


Active Member
my best gift would be being able to bring my newborn son home after being in the CICU for 2 weeks for lung and heart problems.eventhough my wifs grandmother died And coming home with no more problems adn he almost 1yr old>
do you know the name of the problem your son had my first son now had pulmonary stenosis and han a balloning of his heart a 6 hours old and spent 2 weeks in phildelphia childrens hospital been almost 5 years in jan and knock on wood doing perfect.


Active Member
I'm 14 now but when I was 4 I said to my mom so what do u want 4 christmas to me, sarcastically she said a 3 carrot ring , I didn't know what that kind of carrot was but I made a sweet ring with three carrots, she got it vacum packed and has it in her closet with all my first teeth. Its really weird, yesterday she showed me my baby shoes that were white but I dragged my feet and still do


Active Member
For me as a kid it was a beebee gun -- The Christmas Story
For my kids - Watching them open a present that you know they never expected or asked for because they figured they wouldn't get it. The look on their face is priceless. They have to look at it two or three times to make sure their eyes aren't deceiving them


Active Member
i got my dad back from kemo one year. no presents due to crappy american healthcare, but that was the best christmas i've ever had. he's the one that got me started on fish and was ecstatic that i'd been keeping his tanks up. i still have those tanks although the fish are about 10yrs gone.