Your Best Coral


Active Member
While not the best picture, here is my favorite coral. It is a galaxea about the size of a football. I've fragged it numerous times.


I grew this monti from a frag. I love the Muted army green with the white border. I haven't see this type a lot. I normally see them bright green with purple edges. When my frag tank goes up, I will have frags of this one. I have a trapped clam underneath it.


Sorrry to change the direction of the thread, but what type of clam and how did it end up trapped? Is the clam OK or is it dead now?


Originally Posted by Nomad
Sorrry to change the direction of the thread, but what type of clam and how did it end up trapped? Is the clam OK or is it dead now?
The clam is ok, but I have to frag the Monti because the clam is underneath, but I like how the monti looks. I don't want to put the hammer to it.


these are my favorites..Today..didn't mean to duplicate the picture from my previous post..but I didn't see this post until I had posted the other one..these are my favorite even though the pink one is a killer...yuma eater



dr. these were the chalice corals i was asking you about putting them too close to each other a couple of days the way..


Active Member
Originally Posted by beerkegman
How do you frag Galaxea. Im not into fraging but Im just wonering beacuse thats a stony coral?
Galaxea is so incredibly easy to frag, I'd venture to say that it is easier even than most soft corals. Each individual poly arises from a calcareous "horn" or "tooth" -shaped cone. You just snap one of these off with your fingers and in a few months you have a new galaxea about 3-4" across

I forgot to give the funny background on my galaxea. I got it for free from my college. It kept killing their other corals and even killed two clownfish that were stupid enough to try and nest in it.


Originally Posted by BLAZEHOK68
Druluv....i Would Love A Frag Of That Monti If You Ever Feel Like Choppin It Up A Bit
As soon as I put my frag tank up you can get a piece :joy: