We picked up my girlfriends son a game cube for Christmas. We saved that present for last for him to open. I opened up a IPOD he said Oh, cool I want that. I said he can have it BUT I get to keep one of his presents. Of course I got a OK ! I reminded him several times that I get to pick a present and got a OK every time. When he opened the Game Cube I told him I pick that present. He told me no deal because we never shook hands on it. Later in the night went to my parents for Christmas. I opened a present up a little and told him it was a XBox 360. He was like let me see. I told him no because I didn't look at his presents. He sat right next to me until I opened it. I said to him HA I fooled you. He said I knew it wasn't a XBOX 360. SUUUURe he didn't