Your best gift you got!



is your cat wearing a lime-peel helmet? LMAO! That's amazing!!!


Active Member
Getting A 48g W/ Stand 2morrow 4 Hanuka!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by jdragunas
is your cat wearing a lime-peel helmet? LMAO! That's amazing!!!
I was the one who found that picture a LONG time ago and know everyone as it


Active Member
Originally Posted by Mimzy
Getting A 48g W/ Stand 2morrow 4 Hanuka!!!!!!!!!!!!!
YAYAYAYAYAYAYAY! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:


Originally Posted by Cartman101
I was the one who found that picture a LONG time ago and know everyone as it

... sorry... but that's an awesome picture!!!

salty tank

Damn, some spoiled kids on this site! I got some clothes and gift cards. For all those kids on this site that have tanks, did you pay for the tank yourself. I paid for mine.


Active Member
I know how ya feel Salty tank. I pay for EVERYTHING on my fish tank as well. GRR!! I hate rich kids! LOL! No, jk, I don't. I am just JEALOUS.


Active Member
Yes, paid for mine.
I mean I used money from B-day and christmas on it also.
But I am definantly spoiled...rotten


We picked up my girlfriends son a game cube for Christmas. We saved that present for last for him to open. I opened up a IPOD he said Oh, cool I want that. I said he can have it BUT I get to keep one of his presents. Of course I got a OK ! I reminded him several times that I get to pick a present and got a OK every time. When he opened the Game Cube I told him I pick that present. He told me no deal because we never shook hands on it. Later in the night went to my parents for Christmas. I opened a present up a little and told him it was a XBox 360. He was like let me see. I told him no because I didn't look at his presents. He sat right next to me until I opened it. I said to him HA I fooled you. He said I knew it wasn't a XBOX 360. SUUUURe he didn't


I got a 75 gallon aquarium with stand and versa top and flouresent light from the birth family. my brother gave me his kids old xbox(cause they got 360
)and this starwars battlefront game, its to hard to understand many buttons! i miss the 2 buttons and directiong pad from when i was a teenager. and my wallet gave me sand rock and filter media