Your biggest mistake?


Active Member
And I think that a big reason a lot of beginners ditch the hobby after setbacks is because of the money they wasted on the tank and fish before...FW fish are much cheaper (1 black moor at my LFS is only around $4 and I bought 4 platys and 1 pleco 3 weeks ago for under $10 for all of them) and the tanks can be decorated for less than $200, depending on the size of your tank and how elaborate you want to get.

the claw

Active Member
NO REGRETS, Oh except for that copper thing, and finding out that electricity doesn't mix with water.
mistake #1 - Not reading Mike Paletta's book, nor discovering this message board, before I set up my tank the first time.
mistake #2 - Using crushed shells as substrate - live sand being much more beneficial to the aquarium, plus enabling you to keep "burrowing" species.
mistake #3 - Being uneducated enough to trust my LFS when my new 26 gal tank was 2 weeks old and he sold me a yellow tang and a coral beauty angel, when I already had 2 Percula Clowns in the tank. Tangs need an established 75 gal or larger tank. angels are not an easy species for a beginner to care for.
mistake #4 - believing the LFS when a week later my tang and angel died (clowns were doing fine), and he said "it happens, fish die".
mistake #5 - ordering another yellow tang, a 4-stripe damsel, a royal gramma, and a chocolate chip starfish over the internet, and acclaimating and adding all 4 fish into the now 4 week old new tank, because I thought "since my clowns are doing fine, my tank must be ready for all those fish". They all died off, including the clowns.
It is horrible to make these mistakes, but I have certainly learned from them, and I hope you do as well. My new resurrected tank is now one week with live sand, live rock is going in soon, I have added a protein skimmer and powerhead to supplement my "weak" powerfilter, and in another month I will consider adding a cleaner / sand stirring crew and my first fish, if the water checks out to have cycled completely.


) falling for the clownfish and Anemone is probably the biggest mistake. If you get an anemone, it will die.
) going to fast is another huge mistake.
) using tap water can be a big mistake.
) too many fish
) using cheap equipment
If your going for a reef, its probably going to cost you about 50.00 a gallon to setup.........maybe more, maybe a little less


Buyng livestock without researching first. Don't do that anymore and everyone is happy.:D


Well-Known Member
My biggest mistake was rushing.
after that it is not establishing a good growth of plant life.
Finally, overfeeding.


having a ugf and cc and then changing it out and not keeping my cc bags in the tank long enough, i am going though another cycle and have lost one fish.


Definately listening to my LFS. I had everything completely setup based on their recommendations...CC, UGF and the whole nine yards. I found this place right after that fortunately and had to take out all of the CC and UGF to have it replaced with DSB and LR. So far just two weeks in that is my mistake.


buying a fish/invert without understanding how it will fit in with the other tank mates


When setting up my 92 gal (which I bought used) I use a scum bottle on the berlin skimmer. I set the bottle outside the sump. Went to bed. Woke up at 4 in the morning to the sound of my return pump sucking air. The stupid skimmer was overflowing into the scum bottle, which had just dumped all over the floor. Luckily the tank is on tile and I only lost about 3-4 gallons.
Moral of the story:
1) Berlin Skimmers suck
2) Never setup a new tank and go to bed before you are sure its all running properly!


Not buying a Nitrate test kit right away and not doing regular water changes.
It sucks being new and stupid, luckily trates were low when i got a test kit finally. And I'm learning.


I agree with Crusty! My wife happened to see everything I bought on ---- and wasn't as thrilled as I was about the new protein skimmer and RO/DI unit I just bought!
Thank goodness I found this site. I haven't even started my tank yet and it's great to have the knowledge of what not to do!


I know I know: CC and UGF.
just thought I'd add one more reply to hammer it home.
I also agree with whoever saud starting in the first place. Notice my occupation listed to the left? Yeah that means I have NO money what-so-ever :rolleyes:
J/K i wouldn't trade the hobby for anything.


If you get an anemone, it will die.
If your going for a reef, its probably going to cost you about 50.00 a gallon to setup

sounds a little FISHY to me!!!!
anemone's without the correct lighting and water conditions (ie requirements) WILL die - as will everything else that does not have the correct environment
and to set up a reef basically requires the regular stuff plus very good lighting (about $300) and excellent H2O conditions - which is what you should do with a FOWLR anyway-- only some fish are hardier and you can get away with poor water conditions (for a time)
-- inverts can be cheap -- my local saltwater fish club has auctions and you can usually get inverts/corals/anomes/ etc for about 1/4 of the price of retail -- a friend bought about $200 worth of inverts for $45 - and this is the norm


not drilling holes in return pipes to allow tank to break siphon when power goes out...not having anything incase overflow loses siphon...nothing like wading into your haouse after a long day at work.:D