Your FAVORITE fish...I could pick yours!


Originally Posted by nanocuber7
well my favorite is the possum wrasse. hes in my avatar. they get about 2 1/2" and are very peaceful. if you go aggressive i would definatley not recomend him. but they are great for reefs and add a lot of color.
I don't mean to be picky, disrespectful or be rude (and if I come off that way I apologize), but the pic of the fish in your avatar looks like an orange spot filefish (Oxymonocanthus longirotris). Perhaps your LFS had that common name or maybe you changed your avatar. At any rate, I used to have one and they are a really kewl fish! Very timid but curious!!!! I can see why you really love them, I certainly enjoyed mine.
Or is this the fish that you are talking about? When I did a Google search all of the pics of a fish with that common name looked more like a wrasse (specifically Wetmorella triocellata).


Active Member
Originally Posted by blennius
the pic of the fish in your avatar looks like an orange spot filefish (Oxymonocanthus longirotris).
I agree that the avatar is an orange spot filefish. Incredibly beautiful and a common favorite but it is an obligate coral feeder it only feeds on coral polyps and hence usually has a dismal long term survival rate in captivity. So it must be in a reef tank (with SPS corals) but is not "reef safe." Very very pretty - but best left in the ocean.
There is a very cute little fish known as a possum wrasse. Not necessarily incredibly colorful or common, but I think very cute


sorry i changed my avy after i posted that i know that my avy is of the orange spot filefish my LFS recently had one and they are beautiful. but heres a pic of the possum wrasse


Active Member

Definitely the possum!! I SOOOO wanted to buy one the other week because I just fell in love the little character but my sixline would have ripped it to shreds
A friend of mine bought him though so at least I can visit


sorry to hear that ophiura i just love mine. if anything in my tank started to pick on him they'd have to go because he's my favorite. its just so fun to watch him do his thing and hunt.


Nano, now that is a nice pic of the possum wrasse!

Ophiura, I had my filefish about a year and a half and then had a fish kill (this was many years ago) and lost all my fish. We lost power while I was on Xmas vacation
He did readily eat foods that I gave him (fresh and/or frozen shrimp). I didn't realize then that their diet was so specialized so he may not have lasted much longer anyway. Knowing that now I'd not buy one again. Thanks for the tip


Active Member
Originally Posted by ophiura

Definitely the possum!! I SOOOO wanted to buy one the other week because I just fell in love the little character but my sixline would have ripped it to shreds
A friend of mine bought him though so at least I can visit

it soo realyy sux that these fish cant be mixed that would make a cool species tank if they did not rip each other apart that is


I love Koran Angels - trying to figure out if it will go with the flame angel I already have.