Your fish story?


I think mine started at the koi feeding ponds at the zoo when I was little. I LOVED to feed those giant gold fish bubbling at the top of the water begging for food like puppies!!


Active Member
same here, except that it was a guppy!
and it died a few days later when its belly turned into a balloon


When I was working a ***** thats how I got started. First aggressive fresh then to the saltwater.


I grew up in Melbourne Fl. My Dad used to take me snorkling at Sebastion inlet when I was little to stock his tank. When I got older we would SCUBA dive at some of the closer off shore reefs. Got a 45gal. tank when I was 10. Didn't do anything with the hobby, once I left home, until about a year ago. It is amazing how much the technology and prevailing opinions have changed in 10 years.

tru conch

Active Member
my father is resposible. he grew up with freshwater tanks, then had saltwater back in the 70's before i was born. when i was 2 i got my first fish, an oscar, which i remember naming well oscar (like oscar the grouch from seaseme street)
i had freshwater tanks as my own while growing up. my dad still kept his saltwater tanks, a 75 gal and a 28 hex 1/2 back.
when i was 10 we moved back to the keys, and i got my first saltwater tank, up until i joined the marines when i was 18.
i did my time on active duty, and when i got out i decieded to get back into the hobby, not realizing all of the advances in technology. i remember when ugf and canister filters where the best choices. so since 2001 i have been constantly learning more about the hobby and have progressed to FO to FOWLR to reef tanks.
thats one of the great things about this hobby is the constant evolution, there will always be modifications you can do on your tank to improve it. :happy:


i had a fw disaster for a few years.... then i changed into SW with a 55gallon.... slowly went to a 26 reef.... now i have a 62 reef


I grew up around aquariums...grandmother had a SW, one of moms bf's had a SW...grandfather had several FW's and a pond...aunt had several i kept several FW's at first and then a pond, and now SW's



Originally posted by pwnag3!!
i had a fw disaster for a few years.... then i changed into SW with a 55gallon.... slowly went to a 26 reef.... now i have a 62 reef

Me too!! I went on vacation and my friend killed all of my fish in my 110 gallon. All tropical FW agressive fish. Mostly king kong parrots - about $1500 in fish.
Got fed up and turned to salt water after crying and cleaning up fish soup.
I have had FW tanks for what feels like forever

kart racer

I wanted something in the liing room to add color and my brother had just gotten one and when I seen it I knew thats what I wanted. And after 2 years I am on my third one. But just curious Nickfish, why didnt you tell yours to get the thread started?


actually i could never keep thos carnival fish alive. I got a glass bowl and free goldfish. I got a 1 gal with air pump and filter from deep within the basement and a legacy was born!
I got a 10 gal from my dad. He had it when he was smaller



Originally posted by Liontamer
Just HAd to have that porcupine puffer

man, thats what made me want to get my tank.


All started when I saw a Betta in his small cup in a store (Fred Meyers) about 20 yrs ago. I felt sry for the guy so I thought that I would do a resurch on these guys for a school project. Showed my mom and got an A+ of course and she found it interesting so she took me down there to purchase my 1st fish. After watching him for a few months and talking to pet stores in our area I decided that I was going to try to breed these guys for LFS. At 1st it was hard selling stuff when you are only 10 (I think) yrs old. But after bringing in a few they started buying them from me. Didn't get much but to a 10 yr old it was heaven lol. If I remember right for a male I got 35 cents and female was like a quater. Didn't make to much but it was a fun hobby and good learning experience. I slowly moved to other fish but then when I turned 15 I started cutting back and getting more into sports.
I know want to start again and do it for store credit due to SW reef tanks are soooo expensive to keep up. I would like to try out corals once I figure this thing all out and sell the frags. BUT the wife doesn't like the idea AT ALL, so got to keep my fingures crossed lol.



Originally posted by Kart Racer
But just curious Nickfish, why didnt you tell yours to get the thread started?

Mine is a little long but I will try to make it short.:rolleyes: It started when I went by a supermarket isle and saw the life. It took 3 months to talk my parents into bying a little 10 gallon FW. W/many FW losses I found a few sites to help. When the FW was upgraded to a 29 I set up a brakish w/a 15 gallon they were in for quite a while. After going to the store and seeing that the mollies were not for sale due to ick this was me
I decided to do a 29 reef and its been very rewarding. Ever since I started the hobby I have been facinated w/triggerfish. Thats why I got a new 55 fish-only. My first niger trigger was an unsucsessful try but I have a pink-tail trigger now.