Your fish/tank list? Everyone come inside!



Originally Posted by pchromis
Can you say BULL%$%#???????????????
Don't see any real post from you on the topic :thinking: . But, HECK you can beat up on some one who probaly has your dream set up going!!
I don't see any problem with what he has going


Originally Posted by SOU812
as long as pepole keep there coments to themselves heres mine
1) cleaner wrasse
1) 6-8" tiera bat
1) 6-8" adult Imperator
1) juvenile imperator
1) flagfin angel
1)purple tang
1) orange shoulder tang
1) tennant tang
1) 3" gold strip maroon clown
1) black volitan
3)hippo tangs
7) assorted damsels
5) green cromis
6) siffting stars
1) 3" coral banded shrimp
1) flame scalope
1) 12" sifting worm
50) fiddler crabs
1000) nasuraus snails
1000) blue leg hermits
500) turbo snails
250) scarlet hermits
500#) live sand
1750#) assorted live rock
3) sponge trees
star polyps
assorted zoo's
540 DT
65 gal. fuge
45 gal. fuge
155 gal. sump
2 REd Sea XL skimmers
3960 gph pump
2080 watts of light
2 40 watt uv's
DYI denitrator
Please no comments on BIo load this has been up and running for close to a year and all readings are ZERO.
Sounds like you got a great set up going! Keep up the good work.
If it weren't for some of us testing the odds here and there and experamenting from time to time the hobby never would be where it is today. Somethings work for some but not always for others its all up to the inhabitants, equipment and owners.


Did you guys look at the pic in the link? does it look like 1750+lbs of live rock???.
I never said he was lying , all i wanted to see was a pic because i was interested in seeing what 1250 hermits and 1500 snails looked like in a tank. Instead he started insulting everyone. But, with Sou's history and the fact that he cant post a pic showing anything like what hes describing, it makes me suspicious.
Prove me wrong and just post a pic, thats all i wanted to see anyway out of curiousity


Any way here's mine........

180 gal Tank
3 Inch Sand Base
350+ Pounds Live Rock
30 gal wet dry/sump
ETS 600 Pro Skimmer
40 Watt Uv
All readings 0

2 Fancy Serpent Stars
1 Blue Linckia
1 Pink Cucumber
2 Yellow Cucumber
Count Less Herment Crabs
30 Snails
1 Decorator Crab
1 Buble Anemone
1 Long Tentacle Aneome
3 Feather Dusters
1 Pink Coco Worm
2 Red Coco Worm
4 Cleaner Shrimp
2 Fire Shrimp
1 Blue Tuxedo Urchin
1 Purple Urchin
1 Duster Cluster
1 Blushing Leather
1 Fiji Leather
1 Devils Hand Heather
1 Finger Leather
1 Tree Leather
1 Spaghetti Leather
2 Toadstool Leather Frags
1 Cabbage Leather
1 Colt
1 Red Chili
1 Clove Polyp Colony
2 Star Polyp Colony
1 Yellow Polyp Colony
30 Different Zoanthus Colony/Frags
1 Frogspawn Purple Tip
3 Different Botton Polyps
1 Blue Anthelia
1 Pom-Pom Zenia
1 Purple Mushroom Colony
1 Purple Rim Mushroom Colony
1 Green Spoted Mushroom Colony
1 Rust Mushroom Colony
2 Pink and Purple Ricorida Colony
1 Yellow Finger Gorgonian
1 Ribbon Gorgonian
1 Lace Gorgonian
1 Tree Sponge
1 Brain ?
1 Wellsophyllia Brain
1 Lobo Brain
1 Trumpet Colony
1 Green Metalic Buble
1 Purple Tip Hamer
1 Green and Red Favites
1 Galaxea
1 FrogSpawn Eradesent
1 Red Blasto Wells.
1 Purple and Green Blasto. Wells
1 Blasto Merlet. Colony
1 Endive Hydnophora
5 Blue Green Cromis
1 Ocelleris Clown
1 Copper Band
1 Helfinchi Fire fish
1 Green Mandarin
1 Lawnmower Blenny
1 Royal Gramma
1 Fariy Wrasse
1 Six Line
3 Pearly Jawfish
1 Blue Spotted Jawfish
1 Blue Hippo 4 1/2 Inch
1 Yellow Tang 3 1/2 Inch
1 Lavender Tang 5 Inch


Originally Posted by sufunk
30 snails in a 180? by yours and sou's math you should have over 500
Yes I know this the 180 has only been up sence end of January. Upgrade from a 90 Gal. So I'm still working on the clean up crew a little at a time when I go to LFS. Here the like to the 90 I had.
Full Tank & Coral Pics!


Active Member
Originally Posted by KingSpade
125 gallon RR
1 sohal tang 11"
1 large naso tang 13"+
1 atlantic blue tang 7"
1 volitan lion 11-12"
emperor angel 6"+
achilles tang 5"
2 sailfin tangs large
powder blue
powder brown
clown tang
whitecheek tang
large blue hippo
8 green chromis
clown trigger
2 marron clowns
2 percula clowns
i large cow fish
large longnose yellow butterfly
copperband butterfly
pearlscal butterfly
queen angel
flame angel
coral beauty
dragon wrass
snowflake eel
green moray
banded cat shark
no corals yet i just set the tank up about a month ago and moved all these guys from my 55 gallon

:hilarious :hilarious

from a 55g -- :scared:
you couldnt cram those in a 55 with both hands!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Havunen191
Yes I know this the 180 has only been up sence end of January. Upgrade from a 90 Gal. So I'm still working on the clean up crew a little at a time when I go to LFS. Here the like to the 90 I had.
Full Tank & Coral Pics!
Beautiful tank


Originally Posted by zman1
Beautiful tank

Thank You! Watch for my New Tank will be posting soon......


I was kidding havunen about the 500 snails
, Im no expert for sure but 3 snails per gallon seems crazy to me.
Thats a VERY nice tank Havunen!


Tank lighting exc
230g AGA w/ custom built stand and hood
200lbs LR
3in to 1in LS bed
2x400w pfo 20k MH
2x250 HQI 15k and 13k MH
AquaC 180 w/MAG 9.5
1 tunz stream
1 1100gph Pump on a close Loop
1 520gph return pump
soon to have a Reef Tech calcium Reactor
and a 100mq ozone
your going to laugh but i only have one fish
A leary tailed Jaw fish, which loves life in his tank
tons of differnt snails and crabs. Margarita snails, Mexican turbos, Ceriths, Nasers exc.
and about 5 Bergiha last time i checked. So you deffintly will see aptasia in the tank or else i couldnt let these guys live.
large purple frilly gorg, larg f.s about 5 heads, green striped mushrooms, green frilly mushrooms, LG cluster of GSP, LG cats eye about 6in+ fully opeand, medium cluster of Glaxia, Red and Green Med sized favia


New Member
Originally Posted by SOU812
r u sure u want to go here? It will stir up alot of contraversy. Like "U have to many fish what r u thinking" and dumb comments along those lines. poeple just don't know when to mind their own buisness. so I don't think that this is suce a great idea.
Well to start off. SOU, you egged these people on, shame on you for that. You get what you deserved/wanted. The rest of the people that chimed in, shame on you. Why stoop to a lower level.
Seems pointless to me.

-- summed it up nicely. Have fun.....No need to beat the heck out of people.

Now that I have put my worthless 2 cents in, here is my list:
SOU's picture. If you look very close at the picture: you can see a bunch of hermits/snails(?) all over the place, as for the rock, you can not judge from that (or any) picture. Rock can be very pourous and some can be dense. I have 280lbs in my tank and it looks like I have 150lbs. SOU's tank is real nice and most would love to get their hands on such a setup/ good job. I would like to see some close up shots just to see. I one day would like to get a larger DT.

215 gal oceanic
35 gal trigger systems sump
Aqua C ev240 skimmer / Iwaki md40rlt
Main pump Dart sequence pump
Won brothers pro 350 heater
280lbs LR
200lbs LS
Coralife Aqualight Pro 72"
(1) 1 Mated pair of Gold Band
(2) 1 blue/green chromis
(3) 1 BTA
(4) 100 hermits
(5) 15 snails
(6) 3 turbos
(7) 1 Hammer
(8) 3 astrea snails
(9) 1 red emerald crab
(10) 1 tuxedo urchin
That about covers it.
Happy posting.


Staff member
Originally Posted by romeofoeve
im sorry about the jerk in the previous post, some people dont know the purpose of a forum... anyway here we go.
so far...
Are you talking about SOU812? :hilarious


New Member
Originally Posted by matty0h_52
Hey 777 why did you go with the Trigger system but not there skimmer? Did you get the sump custom made? any pics?
Hey Matty,
I originally bought a 30 gal sealife systems sump. When it came time for delivery, they did not have it in stock so they upgraded me to the trigger sump. Not a bad deal in the long run. It does the trick.

I also ordered their skimmer when I bought the package, but did not care for their design and was getting iffy reviews on performance. I ended up with the Aqua c based on design, performace and durability. I had a tough time getting it up and running but, it works great now. No regrets and I highly recommend their product. Here are some pics.



Tank specs:
-60 hex
-Coralife super skimmer
-(2) MJ 900 powerheads (one 1/3 down from top, other 2/3 down from top. Due to shape of hex, creates very high flow in counter clockwise direction)
-Millenium 2000 wet/dry (empty of any filter media...used for surface agitation and "erratic" flow, dosing, and place to put carbon, phosban etc...)
-250 mh 10k pendant
-open top
-appx 100 lbs+ Live rock? It's a lot....stacked high
-crushed coral substrate
-appx 1/2 gal top off a day avg. depending on time of year.
-appx 20% or so wc once a week
-15-30 ml b-ionic 2 part every other day or so depending on top off
-15 ml or so magnesium once a week or so depending on levels
-5ml of iodine rarely...every 2-3 weeks at most
-occasional use of kent's dkh when needed by levels (replaces b-ionic part 1)
-carbon in mesh bag (appx 1/4 cup black diamond) changed appx every 2 weeks
-phosban when needed in mesh bag
(both above placed in empty wet/dry)
-empty skimmer collection cup and overflow every 2-3 days
-replace floss in bubble diffuser every 5-6 days.
-Blue devil damsel
-Yellow Belly damsel (not sure on looks like a cross between yellow belly and yellow tail)
-(2) 4 strip damsel
-percula clown
-yellow tang
-copperband butterfly
-royal damsel
-green carribean anemone
-(2) brittle stars
-serpent star
-orange linkia
-large zebra hermit
-scarlet hermits (2-3)
-blue legged hermits (appx 15)
-electric blue hermits (appx 5)
-Coral banded shrimp
-5 peppermint shrimp
-1 large emerald crab
-assorted snails (20 or so)
-Orange gorgonia (purple polyp)
-Red gorgonia (bright yellow polyp)
-Green ricordea mushrooms
-Yellow polyps
-asst purple and teal mushrooms
-asst zoos
-red pagoda cup
-branching torch coral
Feeding once daily, around 7pm:
-Optimum h2o flake
-2 or 3 cubes frozen mysis shrimp
-emerald omnivore frozen cubes
-1/5 teaspoon of dt's oyster eggs
-1/2 cube frozen daphnia
Feeding on rotating every other day:
-frozen algae cubes
-nori sheets (rolled onto rubberband for grazing)
-green algae sheets (rolle donto rubberband for grazing)
Latest tests (from what I can remember)
pH 8.2
alk 4.0 meq/l
calc 440
magnesium 1300 ppm
amm/trites 0
nitrates 5 ppm
temp 81
sg 1.025
iodine .04 ppm (i dont trust iodine tests though!!)
phosphate .02 ppm


Originally Posted by 777
Hey Matty,
I originally bought a 30 gal sealife systems sump. When it came time for delivery, they did not have it in stock so they upgraded me to the trigger sump. Not a bad deal in the long run. It does the trick.

I also ordered their skimmer when I bought the package, but did not care for their design and was getting iffy reviews on performance. I ended up with the Aqua c based on design, performace and durability. I had a tough time getting it up and running but, it works great now. No regrets and I highly recommend their product. Here are some pics.

Ohhhh yeah i think i remember like 2 months back and you had trouble on placement. Cool looks like you got it going. Took you awhile to find the sweet spot hmm. :)