Your floor..


Active Member
Originally Posted by EL GUAPO
I guess technically you could fry bacon from the coach....
They do have tile floors . But as an adult you might get some weird looks playing this game in the mall .
Only if your names are Rob & Big, do you have that much fun in a store...


el guapo

Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
I do it for purely selfish reasons, it is fun!
Oh yeah . Like farting in line at the grocery store .
Singing pop music tunes while head banging .

The list could go on forever .


Active Member
Originally Posted by EL GUAPO
Rugs are considered safe but carpet ,tile, hardwood floors are all lava .
And yes you can now grill from the comfort of your couch .

oh good. i can get my soda. but i think my dog should be melting about now.
::dog looks at Mimzy like she's an idiot.....again::

el guapo

Active Member
Originally Posted by Mimzy
::dog looks at Mimzy like she's an idiot.....again::
Isn't that the thing they always look at us like we are weird . Yet hey we don't go to the bathroom out in the yard where anybody/everybody can watch us .


Active Member
Originally Posted by EL GUAPO
Oh yeah . Like farting in line at the grocery store .
Singing pop music tunes while head banging .

The list could go on forever .
Talking in gibberish loudly while walking threw the airport.
Asking insensitive questions to different nationalities.
Suggesting to a bunch of drunk people to burn all the firework trash...
Picking up coals from a fire and having a coal war, or playing "hot potato".
The funnest think my wife got mad at me for was pouring rubbing alcohol on my sleeping brother's shirt, then lighting it. Then turning off all the light, and waking him up saying FIRE FIRE!

el guapo

Active Member
Keep asking the same question over and over . but not right in a row and not in the same manner . Do it with like 3-4 different questions about something and watch the weird looks start .


Active Member
Originally Posted by EL GUAPO
Keep asking the same question over and over . but not right in a row and not in the same manner . Do it with like 3-4 different questions about something and watch the weird looks start .
I do that anyway, because I forget what she told me, or forget that i asked. Or I wasn't listening to begin with.


well if my floor was lava id put on my moon shoes and try to hop on the couch grab my celing fan swing around do a flying roundhouse kick then kick down my front door and try to land right on my pool cover

coral keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
The funnest think my wife got mad at me for was pouring rubbing alcohol on my sleeping brother's shirt, then lighting it. Then turning off all the light, and waking him up saying FIRE FIRE!