your most dominate fish??!?!?!


I dont know about you guys but my most dominate fish in my tank for sure is the Six Line Wrasse!!!!
Post pics of your most dominate fish i will post one of my sixline once it stop hiding in the pcv pipe underground i made them


my yellow tang is the biggest nobody is really dominate(bully like) but he is the star of the tank. his name is paul


My domino damsel is certainly my dominate fish. It sits in the middle of the tank and watches everyone, making sure no one gets out of line. She hasnt gotten agressive, but does chase the other fish every once in a while.


The queen trigger dominates the entire house! You walk into the room and it thrashes at the water's surface, splashing the water through the plastic grate on top of the tank onto the table and houseplants, as if to say "FEED ME MORE". So you feed it a silverside or two, or three, and it swims in circles rapidly, then pauses in front of the powerhead's output, and swims in place, fighting the current as a person does on a treadmill. So then you leave the room to watch TV, and you can hear the splashing water in the tank about every 1/2 hour until you shut the lights off in HIS room. It's a riot.


Active Member
In my aggressive tank believe it or not the most dominant fish is the smallest one, my 5" tomato clown, nasty little guy, chases my tusk, trigger and everyone else


Mines is my nurse shark she eats any fish that I have put in the tank, but its cool I love her anyway, here is a pic.


Originally Posted by pierrelavie
what size tank do u need for a nurse shark??
Adult Nurse sharks will most likely need about a 30,000 gallon tank but I have mines in a 365g for right now I am going to get a 45,000g tank built in my new house in a couple of years. She is about 16" right now so I have alittle bit of time.


Active Member
Originally Posted by redman1221
Adult Nurse sharks will most likely need about a 30,000 gallon tank but I have mines in a 365g for right now I am going to get a 45,000g tank built in my new house in a couple of years. She is about 16" right now so I have alittle bit of time.
Wow... Definitely keep us updated on that 45K G tank when the process begins.
As for my bossy fish, my GSM clown takes the trophy hands-down.


Active Member
Maroon clown. Might as well name it el diablo

He tried to attack my nassarius snails when I added them...apparently anything new must be hazed.


Active Member
Don't let his cuteness fool you, this dude is bad
Actually, i have a very peaceful tank.


Originally Posted by ci11337
Don't let his cuteness fool you, this dude is bad
Actually, i have a very peaceful tank.
every one can have a peaceful tank but their is always one little fish that thinks he rules everyone


Active Member
these were sold to a fellow reefer (groupergenious- from this site
but they were always competing for the 'throne'
the bubble algae was not far behind lol




Active Member
The old boss (before I lost everyone
) was definitely my Harlequin Tusk:

The new boss probably will be my Blueface angel:


It was my yellowtail damsel until finally after 6 months of torture attempting to get him out... He was finally caught and FLUSHED!!!! Now it would be our niger trigger...