Your oldest fish


What is the oldest fish you have?
Mine is a yellow tang. He came with my tank, the man I bought it from says he got the tang when it was tiny, and that was about 2 years ago.


2 damsels/2 percula clowns had them for a whole long 2 and a half months :happy:. freshwater i've had two fish for 5 years from freshmen year of high school till after i graduated to bad they died.


Morish Idol going on four years...Black Tang going on 3 1/2 years...Chekerboard Wrase going on 2 years...


Freshwater - Silver Arowana, got it as a baby now it's about 6"


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bigdogzack
Morish Idol going on four years...

My Sailfin, two Hippos, LMB, 5 BG Chromis, mated paid Cin. Clowns and two SSstars and LTA, all almost 4 years.
:jumping: :cheer: :happy: :joy:


I had my jeweled moray for over 8 years before he jumped out of the tank.

sinner's girl

Serpent star, got him in 2001 (I think Dec, but I'm not sure). Still going great.
I had a clown since before jan 2001 till end of May 2004-I think about four years.
How long do clowns live? Serpents?
This was Angel, the glass was dirty-he wasn't sick.



Active Member
Three year old serpents, damsels yellow tail, CBS, Chocolate Chip Star and Pencil unchin (in fuge), all still going strong.


Active Member
I win - I've had my huge pleco in my freshwater tank(s) since i've been keeping fish. He has lived in two different tanks and he keeps getting bigger... I dont understand why though.. I only see him sit on the bottom of the tank and he NEVER moves unless something brushes up by him.. then he flips out and splashes water everywhere. I've had him for 10 years. Since middle school.
For saltwater.. had one of my clowns in there for 6 months so far! :p


gamedawg - I live in Seattle now. I left him behind when I moved up here from LA 5 years ago. He is in a 100g tank I have at my brothers. Lions are so cool the way they float across the tank. He acts as if he is never fed - always begging when you approach the tank. He eats shrimp, silversides, mysis/brine shrimp and beefhearts. My brother does not have much experience, so this blows me away that he has lived this long. Luckily, this was a very established tank before I moved. I have another lion here in Seattle, but he is only 2 years old. Just as much a begger though!