Your opinion please...


New Member
An opportunity has presented itself. Do you think it would be a good deal for a:
72 gallon tank (5 sided corner unit) 24' deep
1 florescent light
fluvol 304 filter
a python (hose thingy)
RO maker
All in impeccable condition
...for 500$ Canadian (Don't forget-Canadian!)
If I was to get this, what sort of lighting would a need for a full-blown reef tank? The tank is 24' deep. Would one MH pendant and two actinics do? What wattage?
I was planning on going will a DSB. Would the fluvol help or hinder this?
Any particular reason why corner units are bad?
I had originally intended on a much smaller tank. For that I was going to use Prizm skimmer. Would it do for this tank? If not, should a use a Berlin Classic hang-on?
I'm not really familiar with the way sumps work. Would I need one? Would I want one? Could I add it later?
More questions to come when I think of them.
Thank you,


doesnt sound like a bad deal too me. i would personally not use the fluval and go with a DSB and LR. you will need more light if you are going to make it a reef, one floro wont cut it. the prizms are rated for a 90 gal tank so i would also say thet would work for you, at least to start.


New Member
Sorry, I should be more specific. I will be doing a DSB w/ LR, but I'm wondering if I was to buy this, should I sell the 304. About the skimmer. If a get the Prizm "just to get started", would I need to get a better one later on? I know it's rated to 90 gallons, but I'm not sure if this is a theoretical limmit or a limit that's practical and wll keep my fishes alive.


I am not sure if that's a good deal, but got some suggestion.
For the 72 Gallon full blown reef,
you need lot better lighting than that. For -2x250 watt (may be more) MH kit, you're going to spend (perhaps higher than the tank)
Well, you can try to VHO (super actinic & 50/50) and one 400W (MH)
You don't have to have Sump, but it will help. Also, you can avoid adding so many other junk in the Display by putting them in the sump instead (i.e. Heater, pump, PS)
I aggree with Nosmada, go for DSB 5-6" (No crushed coral), and Liverock. Also, don't add any goby or scooter blenny and so on in the start at least.
More than sump, think about a refugium which will help with Nitrate reduction.
All in all, may not be a bad deal if 500 Canaidan is approximately 250 dollar (ignorant) :D


New Member
Well, if I was to use a sump, would a Berlin airlift #90 work? How much do you think a sump would cost? What would be the approximate pumps&pluming be? Could I just use a glass tank or a plastuc bin for the sump? What size?
For the lighting, could I amke my own pendant and buy the bulbs and ballast seperatly? How much cheaper would the VHO setup be? I've heard that VHO is "outdated technology".


i believe that you said that it is a corner tank . . Corner tanks are EXPENSIVE!!! 500 for what you listed is a great price, esp if it is canadian. :) that is like 300 US (I think) anyway, if it is a drille tank then you are golden. set up a skimmer and sump combo in the bottom. Get a new hood and some lights. PC's MH's or VHO's.
I wish i could pick that sucker up !! I was looking for one for like 4 months. needed to upgrade. My lion was getting to large for it
(before you yell at me, i bought it when it was tiny and plan on continueing to get bigger tanks as it grows.)


New Member
I diddn't know that corner tanks were such a hot commodity :) It is not drilled. Why is drilling good? So that the plumming is easier? It's still possible to have a sump without drilling, right?


New Member
How would I go with the overflow? How would it be drilled? Why could I just use a pump for this? If I was to make a refugium (sp)?, could I incorporate it into my sump later on?


New Member
For the fish I was thinking of maybe a pair or possibly a group of ~5 clowns w/ anemone. How would a yellow tang fit in their with the pair? With the group? Also cosidring a neon gobby. Other suggestions welcome.