your opinion


Hello, I have a 55 fowlr and I would like to switch it to a reef tank. The plan I am considering would still take more consideration but this would just be a rough draft. Currently the equipment I have includes: a 350 magnum pro system including biowheels, a seaclone skimmer, a pc pendant 96 watts, 80 watts of standard fluoresent light, powerheads, air pump, and ro/di maxima unit 35 gdp. The current residents include a clean up crew, cleaner shrimp, firefish, clownfish, sixline wrasse and yellow tang all fully grown with the tang being the largest at a little less than 4 inches. I have 40-50 lbs. of lr and cc for substate. I was thinking of removing the 350 magnum filter and in place making a refugium with a small container around 10 gallons maybe. If I were to do this I m debating whether or not to keep the biowheels by hooking them up to a powerhead to keep them going. The 96 watt pc pendant which I would remove from the display tank I would use to light the refugium. The lighting that I intend use for the 55 would be a compact fluoresent hood consisting of 6x55 watt bulbs. This would mean i would have 6 watts per gallon. I would like to hear your opinions about this and any changes you would make to this setup.


Active Member
Lighting sounds OK, but forget the watts per gallon thing. Look at some previous threads, like mine from yesterday comparing VHO and MH lighting. I'd loos the cc. It is a pain to do, but a 4-6 inch dsb is tops IMO. Research that decision as well. Most on the board will strongly recommend a dsb and there are great threads as to why as well. Take the tang back to the lfs. He is too big or will be too big for a 55. Everyone should agree with me on this issue. I'd add about a good 25-30 lbs of live rock. This will add in filtration along with at least a 1/2 dozen other good reasons. Loose the biowheel idea. I like the refugium idea though. But, I'd still add a power filter for a number of reasons. 1st- it won't hurt anything. 2nd- it's an additional means of filtration. you can add filter media periodically like carbon to remove certain bad elements that may come up. 3rd - it increases the level of circulation in the tank, a definate necessity. 4th - it adds necessary gas exchange at the surface, a must! By the way, you probably don't need that much light on your refugium.


Hey thanks for the opinion but Iwould like to clear some things up. First of all, the tang's growth is stunted so he won't grow anymore, I have had him for 2 years. Secondly I already have a power filter with biowheels. I would like to get rid of the power filter because I have a bad habit of neglecting it. When its nelglected it would just be an extra source of nitrates, which nobody needs. Theres a reason I would like to keep the biowheels besides providing more than filtration. They are located just above or on the water line depending on evaporation. Because of this, they already keep my aquarium from developing nitrates by letting hair algae develop where the water comes out. When there gets to be an excess i just remove the algae and it starts regrowing more. Thirdly, I do'nt use carbon because I have read that it may be possible for it to absord trace elements. I really don't need it either with the ro/di unit. I hope this clears somethings up. I would gladly appreciate more opinions.


Active Member
I hear ya, so here goes. Why is your power filter uping your nitrates? If it is because of you neglecting to change the filter media, etc, then simply use it as a source of circulation and gas exchange. This to me IS the reason to keep it. Besides, if you are willing to keep up with all of this other stuff, shurely you can switch out a filter pad or change out media every so often. I've learned to develop good habits with this hobby otherwise bad things can and will happen. Be diligent, and your tank will love you for it. You weren't clear on the biowheel thing. I also have a power filter with a biowheel. It works for me. It sounded as though you were planning something strange there. Many people also argue that a biowheel is a source of nitrates. If you have plenty of lr and ls you will not have to worry about nitrates my friend. I think that your impression of carbon is misleading. Many of us, including a lot of the sharks use carbon periodically, some all the time with no negative effects (check out NM Reef's tank!). It WILL keep your water crystal clear even if you use it a few days a month. I use Kent's premium or Marinelands Black Diamond. Researce it, there is a great difference in types of carbon. They are not all created equal. The trace elements arguement, I don't really buy. Trace elemnts should be replenished with every water change and if not, Kent's makes a good trace element additive.


Howdy salty. I liked the idea about the power filter just being used for circulation, but if I don't move the power filter I don't really know where I would put the refugium. I don't have a lot of space down under the aquarium with other stuff already being there. If I planned on keeping the biowheels I would have a powerhead in the aquarium or refugium with a hose from the output connected to the wheels with hosing. Simplelist way I see to do it. Anyways thanks for the comments and hopfully I will get more feedback.