Your Opinions would be appreciated :)


Hi All,
Thought this would be the best place to come to ask a question. First the run down.
I have a 90 gallon reef tank, 1 anenome, 1 coral banded shrimp, turbo snails and blue legged hermits, fish include 1 cinnamon clown, 1 blue damsel, 1 Niger trigger, 1 stars & stripe puffer, 1 coral beauty, 1 blue head wrasse believe it or not all live in great harmony.
The question is my Niece is tearing down her tank and wants to give me her snow flake eel (about 8 inches long) and a large purple pin cushion urchin. Is this a good idea? The urchin tends to take all the purple off her live rock as it will mine as for the eel???? I would love your opinions on this as my fish store proprietor says it would create no problem....hmmm.


im not a big fan of ells in peaceful tanks. they are nocturnal and may or may not nibble on sleeping fish they find. but every fish is different so u can try it if u want


thats what urchins eat... the coralline algae off your rocks......
Like you said.. "great harmony"
IMO.. if you add the eel... you will be disrupting what you have going already for you...
Dont turn great harmony into great tragedy