Your perfect set-up


New Member
I am new here so I will introduce myself.. I have had numerous tanks in my life. Only 2 salt and wasn't very successful at it apparently after reading this board. I really wish I had this resource when I had my tanks... However I am now ready to get back into it since I have kids and they want fish.... So I might as well do something that will really interest me as well.
So, I know I want around 125 gallon or so but have lots of combos in my mind for the rest (filtration, lighting, refug or not, etc...). Still deciding between refugium or wet/dry with built in skimmer.
So instead of listing what I want and having people comment on that setup please put the setup you would build using my tank size above and using live sand, live rock, with mostly fish but eventually a few corals and anemone. I am not sure which type corals so I know the lighting can vary based on that choice.
Please include brand and model you would pick. Just like a grocery list.....
Thanks all.


Active Member
This is what I have in my 125g.
50 lbs Southdown sand
60 lbs LS
100 LR
3 Maxi-Jet1200 Powerheads
2 300W heaters
Seaclone150 protein skimmer
Tank has been set up for 4 months now with no problems. I have a 29g QT.
My cleanup crew consists of:
2 brittle stars
1 cleaner shrimp
15 peppermint shrimp
7 emerald crabs
20 hermit crabs
20 nass. snails.
5 porcelin crabs.
And my new addition tonight of Tiger Tail Cucumber.
My fish:
2 perc clowns
2 green chromis
1 Sailfin Tang
1 Blue Hippo
Foxface and purple firefish in QT for another 2 weeks.
Ask a lot of questions. Research everything before you add anything to your tank. Good Luck.


being new myself, I dont know nearly as much as other members but I do know this. Search around a little using the search button. even check out what do ya think? new SW. . This is one created by me and I had the same question as you. All and all I think the refugium is byfar the better way to go.
Since we both are gunna start around the same time with around the same size tank it will be fun comparing.


Active Member
My thoughts of filtration...
Large (adaquate) quantity of Live Rock and SSB for Biological filtration (suface area for Bacteria)...High Flow , distributed through out the tank to keep deitrus suspended and removed from MT,promote gaseous exchange and maintain oxygen levels...a Large sump and LARGER Fuge with Macros for malnutrient removal through export (denitrification) and a Killer Skimmer to remove Mass quantities of DOCs (organics) prior to decomposition...
With a well balanced system, no other "filtration devices" (bioballs) are necessary...Other than the ability to run Chemical Media (carbon or phosphate removers) from time to time, best done in a Fluidized bed (or converted canister) type system...
There are a lot of ways to "flesh this out" with different parts and pieces, but this combonation of "systems" will cover all the bases for a successfull tank...


Active Member
hum... well if i was to start a tank 125 fowlr from scratch dis is how it will go
75 lb argonite sand
50lb live sand
100 lbs live rock minimal..
500 titanium heater
30 gal fuge rubbermaid
turbo floter 1000 skimmer or a diy skimmer that i currently have in my head from much much research..
2 maxijet 900 (y not the 1200?.. cuzz 900 is only 30 gph or soo less then the 1200 but take way less electricity)
perdy much it.. anything els would be aass the tank progresses


New Member
Thanks everyone for the replies... It helps to have some of my thoughts confirmed.... And it helps to add new items to my list...


New Member

Originally posted by Squidd
My thoughts of filtration...
Large (adaquate) quantity of Live Rock and SSB for Biological filtration (suface area for Bacteria)...High Flow , distributed through out the tank to keep deitrus suspended and removed from MT,promote gaseous exchange and maintain oxygen levels...a Large sump and LARGER Fuge with Macros for malnutrient removal through export (denitrification) and a Killer Skimmer to remove Mass quantities of DOCs (organics) prior to decomposition...
With a well balanced system, no other "filtration devices" (bioballs) are necessary...Other than the ability to run Chemical Media (carbon or phosphate removers) from time to time, best done in a Fluidized bed (or converted canister) type system...
There are a lot of ways to "flesh this out" with different parts and pieces, but this combonation of "systems" will cover all the bases for a successfull tank...

Squidd, I read the entire thread where you are working with Leona to get her set-up designed. I learned alot from that thread but it almost made me rethink getting a SWT again. Looks like there are so many specialty items to consider that the 'grocery list' is no where near complete.
I had just considered getting a Proclear 125 tank with Proclear acrylic stand. And the PRO200 wet/dry with built in skimmer. Then add power heads, heater(s) etc... But now the Refugium sounds like a better way to go. I do not want to make a refugium. I am very 'handy' but would rather just buy what I need and install.
Do you know of a refugium premade that meets my requirements (125 gal with fish/coral/rock combo mentioned)?????
I tried to email you to save repeating the same stuff over and over in the forums but your email is disabled.
Thanks ...