Your Substrat Type Preference? I want to change mine.


i recently switched from cc to southdown and found that I traded maintenance for beauty. I loved my 3-4 inch CC.. My fish and live rocks contrasted with the white cc so well but i couldn't keep up with montly maintenance so i decided to switch....Well, my trates are better and i can go another week or 2 before water changes but the sand just doesn't stay ultra white for long.
on the other hand, i also put together a 46 gal bowfront starting out with ultra white fine sugar live sand and even tho its over stocked...i mean crazy overstocked, none of the fish are sickly...
I'd say, go with ultra fine live sand because ur fish are the most important thing...its hurts when a 100 fish croaks on ya...
I mean if u dont mind changing 40 gal of water every 4 weeks i'd so go CC, if u think u might mind go 2-3 inches live thing i think. DSB gets quite ugly after a coupla months and a lot of problems develop after a couple of years.
hope this helps


SO how much maintaince do you have to do if you have the "special grade reef sand"??? Right now with my super fine sand bed I don't do anything. I really can't since it's so fine.
I really like the look of "special grade" and how white it looks but does it stay white??? Sounds like some people were having problems with keeping it white.