Your thoughts on my stock list!


I currently have a 5" Magnificent Foxface and a 3" Sargassum Trigger in QT. I am looking at two different stock lists and would like to hear everyones thoughts. 6' long 125g DT.
List #1: Magnificent Foxface
Sargassum Trigger
Harlequin Tusk
Scribbled Angel
Yellow Tang
List #2: Magnificent Foxface
Sargassum Trigger
Harlequin Tusk
Emperor Angel
Black Tang (Possibly Purple Tang)
Couple of questions, from what I have seen online 125g is borderline on Emperor Angel but I have been told they are slow moving and will do fine in 125g. Also, do you think this is good for bio-load or could I possibly add a 6th fish to the list?
Thanks for any opinions.

crypt keeper

Active Member
you have a couple very large fish that need lots a room going into a smallish tank no offense. Every fish you have listed need lots of room and grows up to and over 8 inches.
Do you plan on getting a larger tank?


No plans on a bigger tank at the present time. I really thought that 5 fish in the 7-10" range would be just fine in this tank. I am guessing by your comment that I may be wrong.

crypt keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by bigal0221
No plans on a bigger tank at the present time. I really thought that 5 fish in the 7-10" range would be just fine in this tank. I am guessing by your comment that I may be wrong.

Emperor can and does get up to 14. Trigger is a big open water swimmer. They get over 10. The Tusk can get up to 10. Tangs and foxface stay under 8 inches or so. I think a 15 or 180 would be better suited. Maybe forget the trigger or larger angel together. Look at a smaller angel. I think both would be cramping it up.


well crypt you do have to remember he has a 6' er and his filteration system is rated for a 200. but yes emperor angels are free swimmers they dont really need a long or tall tank they just need a big tank i would stop with the stocklist one fish after what your looking for it might push it though.its always a personal prefrence.

crypt keeper

Active Member
The length isn't my main concern, an 8 foot tank would be better for the trigger and larger angel, as much is the width of the tank. Im pretty sure its a standard 125 rectangle. That is tight for any large bodied animal to turn around in. You have a 14 inch animal trying to turn in 18 inches of space. Not very ideal. I was also basing my reccomendations on the life time of the fish and the poster not planning on anything bigger.


Active Member
It's important to remember we're not sticking already full-grown 14" fish into our tanks. If you definitely see no way you'll be upgrading, within 3 years or so, skip the Emperor. He will definitely need a larger tank in a bit. On the same foot, I would prefer a yellow or purple tang, because Black tangs tend to come in already too large (6"+). The Sargassum, Harlequin, FoxFace, and Scribbled should be fine in the 125 for a good long while (over 5 years, pending upon purchase size), though not for their lives.


Originally Posted by AquaKnight
It's important to remember we're not sticking already full-grown 14" fish into our tanks. If you definitely see no way you'll be upgrading, within 3 years or so, skip the Emperor. He will definitely need a larger tank in a bit. On the same foot, I would prefer a yellow or purple tang, because Black tangs tend to come in already too large (6"+). The Sargassum, Harlequin, FoxFace, and Scribbled should be fine in the 125 for a good long while (over 5 years, pending upon purchase size), though not for their lives.
You are correct in this. I am planning on all fish being introduced in the 3-4" range. I am kind of leaning toward the yellow tang for the bright color but I have found a black tang available that is 3".

crypt keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by bigal0221
You are correct in this. I am planning on all fish being introduced in the 3-4" range. I am kind of leaning toward the yellow tang for the bright color but I have found a black tang available that is 3".
There is nothing wrong with adding fish to a tank that it fits at the current time. I asked if you were upgrading. You said no plans too. I just went off that maybe you werent going to upgrade. Like others have said your fish will get too big for your tank. This may happen faster than you think and are ready for. Just keep that in mind.