Your thoughts on my stocking plans please


New Member
Here is the list I'm considering right now for my 55 gal FOWLR (to be added slowly). Please let me know if you think I need any additions to the cleanup crew or if you see any compatibility issues. Thanks.
2 Percula Clowns
30 Nassarius Snails
20 Scarlet Hermits
1-2 Cleaner Shrimp
1 Fighting Conch
1 Bicolor Blenny
1 Royal Gramma
1 Dwarf Angel (probably Coral Beauty)
1 Sixline Wrasse
Maybe a Choc. Chip starfish later on
Any thoughts on Emerald vs. Decorator Crabs?


I think you my be over stocking just a little. With a 55 gallon, you can only have 11 inches of fish. The general guidline is 1: of fish per 5 gallons.
As for the crabs, I'd go with the emeralds. Unless you don't mind the decorator clipping your corals to decorate his home.
You also might want to look at adding some turbo's. The Nass snails will keep your substrate clean, and might go up the glass, but there's no guarantee.


Active Member
I think you'd be good with that setup. I'd add the gramma last. the gramma is the only one of those that's all that territorial, and the coral beauty would be the only one to create much waste, so I don't think you're overstocked.
I'd go with the emerald crabs over the decorators. I think the decorators get pretty large and can attack small fish.
I wouldn't get a choclate chip starfish, but that's me.


Active Member
Hi, your crew looks pretty close to the one i want to add to my 55 gal :yes: :yes: :yes: except wrasse and star fish, not adding those

bill f

Are you running a fuge or sump or both?
Keep in mind that if your running a fuge and a sump, your increasing your water volume. I've seen where people have a 55 gallon display tank, but have an additional 50+/- gallons of water in a sump or fuge. That way you can add more fish.