Zac's 75 gallon aquarium


well i'm taking on the task of starting a 75 gallon tank here is what i have done so far i've got my sand and 55 gallons of water in so far.



i have a 24 gallon aquapod that i have had for 7 months and its doin great. I just ordered a 500W metal halide fixture for my tank that should come in this next week.
i haven't decided yet what i'm goin to put in i have a clownfish, sixline wrasse, & lawnmower blenny in my 24 that i am goin to transfer to my 75 i also have about 65 pounds of live rock i'm fixing to put in


Active Member
Sweet tank man! What kind of corals are you thinking about keeping, well witht that light you can keep almost all corals.


well i have a 24gallon aqua pod right now that i have a frogspawn, xenia, green star polyps, kenya trees, red, green, purple mushrooms, feather dusters, zoos, red sponge, derasa clam, cleaner shrimp, clownfish, six line wrasse, emerald crab, and a horse shoe crab which i;m going to move all that stuff over to my 75


here is my aquarium with the lights on i'm still waiting on the water to clear up. the lights that are on suck my 500W MH should be in this week.


yeah there are 250w metal halides on each end of the canopy. its supposed to be here friday.

tru conch

Active Member
what do you have for a clean up crew? a good crop of nassirus snails will help. since you have a 75 gal, a conch or two would help as well.


how many nass snails should i get i have a horseshoe crab in there but he doesn't really seem to be doin much good i have 10 black turbo snails and i have some blue legged hermits and i have 6 mexican turbos which i have no algae on my rocks its all on my sand they are keeping it off my rocks


I agree with getting nassaarius snails....get at least 12..also i would get some ceriths, and definitely a fighting conch....