I just purchased a Zebra Moray Eel tonight, for my 125 gallon tank after exchanging some other fish. It has been at the store for at least a month, and I was told that it has been eating very well, and it is very docile. I got it home, and properly acclimated it. I rearranged my rocks to make caves for it, and when I finally got a good look at it under the lights, I was shocked to see it is missing its left eye. It is just an indention, like the eye was never there, or most likely it happened a while ago. The eel is about a foot long, and a beautiful specimen. I know I should of gotten a better look at him at the store but he was under a bunch or rockwork, and was in a large tank. So my question is if hes eating well, and I don't have any small fish that he might mistake for food, and I know eels don't have very good sight in the first place, should I keep him, or take him back for a refund or exchange. Thank you in advance for all your valuable help.