Zebra Eel with one eye


I just purchased a Zebra Moray Eel tonight, for my 125 gallon tank after exchanging some other fish. It has been at the store for at least a month, and I was told that it has been eating very well, and it is very docile. I got it home, and properly acclimated it. I rearranged my rocks to make caves for it, and when I finally got a good look at it under the lights, I was shocked to see it is missing its left eye. It is just an indention, like the eye was never there, or most likely it happened a while ago. The eel is about a foot long, and a beautiful specimen. I know I should of gotten a better look at him at the store but he was under a bunch or rockwork, and was in a large tank. So my question is if hes eating well, and I don't have any small fish that he might mistake for food, and I know eels don't have very good sight in the first place, should I keep him, or take him back for a refund or exchange. Thank you in advance for all your valuable help.


Originally Posted by mikedog
I just purchased a Zebra Moray Eel tonight, for my 125 gallon tank after exchanging some other fish. It has been at the store for at least a month, and I was told that it has been eating very well, and it is very docile. I got it home, and properly acclimated it. I rearranged my rocks to make caves for it, and when I finally got a good look at it under the lights, I was shocked to see it is missing its left eye. It is just an indention, like the eye was never there, or most likely it happened a while ago. The eel is about a foot long, and a beautiful specimen. I know I should of gotten a better look at him at the store but he was under a bunch or rockwork, and was in a large tank. So my question is if hes eating well, and I don't have any small fish that he might mistake for food, and I know eels don't have very good sight in the first place, should I keep him, or take him back for a refund or exchange. Thank you in advance for all your valuable help.
Personally I would keep it. Anyone can get an eel that has two eyes, but one...you got something special there
. Seriously though...if it looks like an old wound he obviously has been getting by, I'd keep it.


That is completely up to you. I would keep it though. As mentioned, if it is an old wound and he is eating well then it isn't effecting him physically. It just gives him character


Active Member
And like you said... they are virtually blind anyway. So I agree with keepin him.
Did you happen to get a good deal on him?


Thank you for the quick responses. I got him for a good price, after my store credit for the the fish I traded in, he was only $40. I plan on feeding him some frozen krill tomorrow, and if he continues to eat well I plan on keeping him. Thank you again for the advice.


Last night when I got home from work, he was eating frozen krill like he was starving. So I am definitely gonna keep him, I tried feeding some squid this morning, but he didn't want it, probably never had it before. I also plan on feeding him raw shrimp from the grocery store, if there is anything else I should be feeding, let me know. Thanks Again


my zebra is about 24 inches. He goes nuts for raw shrimp. Wont touch squid or silversides. Shrimp only.


Active Member
yeah, I've tried whole raw shrimp with shells, squid, silversides, and scallops. It likes the shrimp and squid. I tried putting both a silverside and a piece of shrimp on the same stick, so it would eat both at the same time. It bit off them both and then spit out the silverside... I got the message.


Yeah he doesn't seem to be shy at all, and hes still eating krill like hes starving. I bought a frozen mixture of raw seafood at the grocery store, it has octopus, shrimp, cuttlefish, squid, and cooked clams and mussels. I am thawing it out now, and I am gonna add my usual zoe, and zoecon, and hopefully he will like it, as I know he can't live on just krill.


Active Member
I've seen mixtures like this. I wasn't sure if the cooked clams/mussels were ok to give, thus I didn't get it. Know about this? Or does anyone else?
And good idea with the zoe/zoecon. I do the same.