zebra eel


just how docile are zebra eels? I've gone to some LFS and seen them in a eel only tank, with like 3 other eels in the tank. They weren't fighting or anything, but just curious on how "nice" they are. I have a very small fimbriated eel...8-10 inchs in lenght and a little larger then 2pencils in gurth. The Fimby stays in the small crevaces of the live rock. Would the zebra mess with him or eat him, or the other way around?


I just got one today and he seems really "nice." Well ummhopefully. He is a lot bigger than my fiby eel. It was really funny. As soon as I put him in the tank by fimby barfed up all its food cause it got so freaked out! I know it's not really funny but similar to the way humans spit out there drink when something outragious happens-really over drawn in most movies!
My little fimby swam over to him and stared at him and the zebra didn't do a thing..I thougt my fimby was going to crap himself!


Active Member
id watch out, ur fimby may seem timid now but he will eventually become very nasty and may kill the zebra


hopefully since he is the little guy in the tank, I mean he is like a hatchling..very small. hopefully he will give respect to the zebra because the zebra is huge and gurthy. I've seen people that have mutiple eels in one tank...so hopefully being how I have it set up having the meaniest guy the smalliest and the most docile is the biggiest.