Zebra Hermits?


Has anyone ever had hawaiin zebra hermits? If yes, how are they with reefs? Do they eat each other like blue legged hermits? all of mine ate each other :(


Interesting you should ask!
My G/F had aquired a 40 gal SW setup a few months ago and one of the inhabitants was a Zebra Hermit. This thing would harass any other snails and crabs it could. It had killed a few snails and crabs ... even a small queen conch to get the shell.
She got frustrated, wanted to get rid of it, so I put it in my 5 gal nano. It immediatly went after any other hermit with a larger shell, in one case took over another hermits shell and then changed his mind and went back to his original shell. I guess he cant make up his mind! So, I took out every other hermit/snail of the nano leaving just him. I'll try to post a pic of this little devil tonight.
so ... I guess the bottom line is: if you get one, keep an eye on it, mine is VERY aggresive


I have 2 and all they do is kill snails. In the past 3 months they have killed 10 astrea and 2 turbos. Despite the 150 different shells I have in the tank.


i agree. pretty aggressive. keep an eye on the little buggers...


ooh, ooh, I gotta throw in my $.02. Mine is MEAN too. He jams his claw into other hermits shells so hard that once it got stuck!! The "victim" hermit was a LOT smaller than he was, so I don't know why he picked on it. He is starting to do it a lot more often lately. And he's huge. My blue legs and scarlets are OK in size but this guy seems to keep going and going...


wow, thanks for all the input. im sooooo glad that i asked before i bought 10 of them! i think i will just stick with scarlets ;)


Active Member
This topic has been covered many time in the past and I have given my opinion of them before, and I stand by it that they are by far my favorite hermits.
Try doing a search for them and you'll get lots of good information