zebra mat anemone question


anyone have any info on a zebra mat anemone?--- mine is attached to a rock and i rearranged my rock now it gets a lil more light and water current but its hangin sideways almost upsidedown but not quite. Will it move to a different location if it does not like where it is at? My clarkii hosts in both my zebra and condi anemone is that normal goes back and forth between the 2?


Active Member
I never heard of that perticular type, but in general anenomes will move till they get comfy. Dont sweat it, if it looks healthy and acting normal then let it be. If you have corals then I would be concerned---they could get stung. Also its normal behavior for your clarkii, at 1 time I had 3 anenomes and it went to all of them. I dont think they are as picky as other clowns. HTH