Zebra Moray Eel


New Member
Anyone have any advice with this eel in my reef tank. I read that it is ok with smaller fish but harm smaller crustations. Does that mean small crabs or any crab. I have a reef lobster, some halloween crabs, emerald crab, cleaner shrimp, sally light foot. Will this eel harm these or just small hermits:?


I have two eels in my tank, a banded snake eel and a snowflake moray eel. I also have 7 blue-green chromis, a yellow-tail damsel, and some other small fish. I used to have a bi-color blenny, but he dissapeared. I've also had a chromis dissapear and another show signs of getting attacked by something. It was likely the eels, but it could have also been my large maroon clown. I don't think I've seen any loss of snails due to the eels, but I could be horribly mistaken on that front.
The bottom line is that eels are aggressive predators and if you don't feed them well, they WILL go looking for food. Just keep them fat and happy, and everything else will do just as well.


My Zebra and CBS lived in the same cave together for over a year with no problems. My Zebra never bothered anything in the tank; damsels, hermits, starfish. He was over 10 years old and 38 inches long.