Zebra Moray Eel


Active Member
i was browsing through webpages and saw one page, dont wanna say address as it also sells fish(even though everyone probably knows the site also), says that the zebra moray eel is ok to keep with community fish...this true?
i always wanted an eel, and if it is possible to keep this eel in a community tank, then community it is.


From everything I've read it's true. I don't have one yet (I'm getting a snowflake someday when I stop being lazy and get on it..or a dragon if I ever hit the lotto) but I've read on them and I think that they only pose a threat to your shrimp/crabs.


Well my friend had it for awhile until her new trigger started muchin on it. She also have had snowflake, very aggressive (one gh goby), a dragon morray, even more aggressive (one gh goby, one velvet damsel, one stripes damsel, one clarkii clown, one tomato clown). The zebra has never done anything like that. Based on my observation, I think it's relatively more peaceful than other morays.
The zebra morray lived with yellow tang, tomato clown, humu triger, damsels, ghs goby, and a bunch of other fishes.
Those in the parentheses are the victims of their aggressiveness.


If any eel I get can choke down a 30" panther grouper, more power to it lol (It will be going into my grouper tank whenever they're fully grown and beyond snacking size)


think of it this way. if an eel has roun pebble shaped teeth then it eats crabs, and shrimp. If it has pointed teeth it eats fish.
w/ that said zebra morays are pure crustacean eaters. They have zero interest in fish, and can be kept in a fish tank w/ no concern for them snacking on fish


I got my zebra moray finally lol And he hasn't even looked at that stupid damsel that I can't get out of my 200. (I put it in there because I couldn't stand having nothing moving in a tank that big post-cycle while I was waiting to be able to get all the groupers at once.) I wish the eel would eat that pain in my butt. Okay, I don't, I just wish it would let me catch it.

ed d

I have had a zebra moray for about two years. He has enjoyed many of damsels. I bet he has eaten atleast 6 of them. They usually get eaten the first night. If the damsels made it past the first night, they seamed to last. The LFS stores have told me that it will eat most anything if hungy enough. I have also lost several schrimps, crabs, snail and starfish to the eel.
As far as feeding the eel, he is blind. If lucky he may find food. I feed my zebra krill schrimp with a long pair of tweezers. The food needs to be placed right in front for him to eat.
I hope this helps.