zebra moray


New Member
Hey, I got a zebra moray about 2 weeks ago and it has not started feeding yet. I have tried all the tricks, feeding sticks and different food choices. Not really worried yet, I know they are known to fast but should start getting worried? has anyone had a simular problem?


Active Member
Check all the water parameters, salinity especially seems to impact my eel's willingness to eat.


Active Member
Well the best levels would be:
Temp: 72-78°F
Salinity: (sg) 1.020-1.025
pH 8.1-8.4
Ammonia: 0
Nitrite: 0 ppm
Nitrate: 0-40 ppm


I had that problem when I got my SFE. What you should try is
1. Separate the Eel by putting in a tank divider so its by itself
2. Put a piece of shrimp next to the eel.
3. Turn the Lights off
4. Check back in about an hour to see if it has eaten the shrimp.
5. Try training it with a feeder stick. It will recongnise the food and will more than likely be eating.
This worked well with my snowflake eel. It was alone when I tried this though, thats why I said put in the tank divider. My eel eats like a horse now and it looks forward to feeding time.


New Member
When I bought my son a zebra, we placed in a tank with lots of rock initially, and he ate well from a stick right from the start. Three months later we moved him to another tank, which had much less rock cover for him to hide in, and he wouldn't eat at all. We moved him back to the tank with more rock, and he ate immediately again. it seems he really liked having the extra cover to hide in. Lately, he comes out everytime I put freezedried plankton in the tank, but he has a hard time tracking it down, as it's light and floats around rather quickly, and his vision, as I understand it, is limited and he relies on smell to find his food.


When I had Eels they differed very much in individual personality. My snowflake, Zane, ate like a pig and was often so eager that he would come up and twirl himself around my hand, refusing to let go until I fed him a chunk of krill. But my zebra, Zephyr, was so shy that I had to take the prongs directly in front of him, and at first he would only eat live with the lights dim, so don't worry about it, once he gets hungry just throw a few of those little 20cent ghost shrimp in, (and don't feel bad for the shrimp since their lifespan is abysmally short anyways) and he'll get tempted, no fish that eats shrimp can resist those cute litte antennae waving at them.


My zebra stays in the rocks constantly, and its real funny. Wenever its feeding time he sticks his nose through a hole in the rocks and can just barely see out, but then i have to basically put the stick in his face, and he nudges it..bakcs off...then starts slapping it with his face, then slowly grabs it. It helps to wiggle, and mine HATES garlic...so i just give him fresh shrimp. Also, it does take them a while to eat. but when he really starts to get hungry, hell come out to try and steal food from the other fish...thats wen it is time