Zebra Morray Eel


Hi everyone, my friend has a 125 and 40 gall salt water aquariums. In the 40 gall there are 3 eels, crazy, but yeah there are zebra morray, dragon morray, and a small yellow one which recently ate my friend's alive gobi. My question is, the zebra and dragon will not eat at all, why? Add to that, the zebra morray has a big white scar/spot/thing on its head, and little ones along its boddy. My friend actually tried to touch it, and it felt like the skin layer is gone. Somehow, the skin is gone, and in the middle of that white spot there is a tiny red mark, I assumed it's blood. So I don't know, we're just afraid that it'll die, so anyone, or any eel expert help. We've been treating it with Mela Fix, since we assumed the eel is suffering from Ick. Well let us know, we will really appreciate it.
PS: Anyone interested on buying a custom built 200 gall aquarium? It's worth like $5000, but my friend has to sell it fast, she's planning to sell it cheap.


The wounds are probably from them biting each other.They should not all be in a tank that small,you should take tham all to a lfs,and get something else.


Before there were only one eel in the tank and the spots is already there.
Let's say another fish bite it, what can I do to to heal the wound? Is there any medication I can apply to it?
Btw the tank is not mine, it's my friends, and actually they're all getting along ok.
Thanks for the reply


You can treat the tank with marycin or Melafix,that should help.Then when they get better,have the owner of the eels,take them to a store and trade them in for something that will fit in a tank that size.


The Melafix will do nothing if the eel has ick. Melafix only helps wounds caused by biting from other fish. So if it ick you need to find some other treatment. Also, eels are smoothed skin fish are will not take copper treatment very well.