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A lot of christian beliefs and holidays have basis in pagan religions. Some of them are talked about in this film. This isn't about denying the existence of god, but rather pointing out the fallacies of some religious ideas. Just because Christmas was a pagan holiday long before becoming the celebration of christs birth doesnt mean god doesn't exist, it just means we shouldn't take all religious beliefs literally and unquestionably. Its kinda like AD, which a surprising amount of people take for After Death, when it actually stands for Anno Domini, popular misconception is a dangerous tool.
Actually there are no Christian holidays with a basis of pagan religions. Some were placed on the same day of the calendar, but not based on pagan religions.
One of the movies great downfalls is its use of very outdated and incorrect references to pagan religions of the Roman era. The information given in the movie towards these in relation to Christianity are simply unfounded or outright false.
Now, having said that, how can you believe anything the movie says if you are aware of these inaccuracies?