ziplock bags of cheato for sale. $12.00 shipped!


It time to trim again. Anyone interested in some cheato. I have 3 ziplock bag fulls. I am asking $12.00 per bag, and thats shipped to anywhere in the USA! I will ship asap as soon as funds are recieved thru paypal. My cheato has alot of pods in it. I have pods in my fuge that are huge! I can't guarntee you will get huge ones. But there will be plenty in there!
YOU can email me at and thats my paypal address as well. First come first gets it.
There is some feedback from someone in the feedback section from cheato I sold them.

gold strip

I've got some on the auction site for $10.99 per bag plus shipping. Very good nutrient exporter and grows super fast. Mine is in a 30 gal refugium supporting my 180 gallon display.


I am currently harvesting a 5 gallon bucket every two weeks of Chaeto from my refugium and had no idea it sells for that much. I would be glad to sell some of it off as I harvest it. If anyone is interesed you may email me at dbrader "at" Actutally it is not just Chaeto, there is also green grape mixed in with it, and of course the usual pods and worms and some stomatella snails that inhabit the algae in the refugium... There are literally hundreds of worms, stomatella snails, and also I have another type of snail that proliferates in my refugium.... I can't remember the name of it right offhand, but it is a small snail, doesn't get much bigger than a pencil eraser, there are also hundreds of those also, and they breed like crazy... My Display tank probably has over 500 of them that come out a dusk..... they cover the glass and live rock every evening. I at one time read an article about this type of snail, and the article said that if you have enough of them, you don't even need any other type of snail.... and believe me it is true, I have enough, they keep my tank spotless... LMAO Anyway, I have never attempted to sell anything like this, so if you are interested, and are experienced, I would even need some instruction on how to pack it properly to get it to you alive and well.....