"Zoa Buyers Guide" 2009 Chip in People


Active Member
So I want to start a buyers guide for all of us enthusiasts. Tell me the following if you would please.
1. What type of polyp you got
2. How much you paid
3. how many polyps you received for said amount
This is what I have so far
NOOOOOOOOOO Selling anything you have to anyone on this thread please. I don't want this deleted with the info along with it.
AND NO SAYING WHERE YOU GOT ZOAS (unless it was SWF.com *wink*)! JUST PRICING INFO please please please
AOG - $2.50pp
Tubbs Blue - $6.00pp
Candy apple pink - $8.00pp
Baby Back blues - $2.00
Purple Haze - $2.00
Purple Death - $10.00pp
Pink Zuit suit $0.50pp
Radioactive Dragon eye $0.50pp


Active Member
also no asking "where" :) other than that i'd be interested to see how much people buy corals for


Active Member
Nuclear waste lands= 6.00 pp
sky walkers=5.00 pp
Palyo gradis =7.00 pp
Orange madness 6.00pp
Aog 4.00pp
Long lash green eye ladies 5.00pp
safe cracker 5.00pp


Active Member
Here is my list so far keep it coming people!
AOG - $2.50pp-$4.00
Tubbs Blue - $6.00pp
Candy apple pink - $8.00pp
Baby Back blues - $2.00
Purple Haze - $2.00
Purple Death - $10.00pp
Pink Zuit suit $0.50pp
Radioactive Dragon eye - $0.50pp
Fire and Ice - $2.00pp-$1.25pp
Joker Paly's - $10.00pp
Eagle eyes - $1.50
XMen Palys - $25.00pp
Nuclear waste lands - $6.00pp
Sky Walkers - $5.00pp
Paly Grandis - $7.00pp
Orange Madness - $6.00pp
Long Lash Green eye Ladies - $5.00pp
Safe Cracker - $5.00pp


Active Member
oh I forgot my other tanks
kings blood 3.50 pp
spring meadow 2.50pp
blow pops averaged about 3.75 pp
PPE 15.00 pp
Purple death 20.00 pp
Nuk green 22.00
Bumble bees 23.00 pp
Darth mal 11.50 pp
Zombie eyes 4.50 pp
Chocolate blueberry 2.00 pp
Nightmare 10.00 pp. Question about these though are you considering them zoanthids? They technically are not zoanthids or palys from what I understand.
Star bright 9.00pp
I have a couple more I have to check my log to see what I paid for them.


PPE 15.00 pp
Darth mal 11.50 pp
Do you sell them this cheap? I have never seen these RARE zoas so cheap.


Active Member
Originally Posted by kholla12
PPE 15.00 pp
Darth mal 11.50 pp
Do you sell them this cheap? I have never seen these RARE zoas so cheap.
I’m not going to break the rules set fourth by renogaw but just search rare zoanthids or rare zoas and so fourth and you will find the coral you are looking for. That’s one of the reason why I get so made when I see these prices so high by other hobbyist. Please do not direct this thread into an off topic discussion. Lets keep it to what Peef started it as.
Yes I do. when they start to grow on other rocks. I sell them for what I pay, maybe cheaper. in some other threads like I said, my reward was the zoas filling the rock. Any other growth from them is gravy. I won't say the name but a couple of members bought a lot of my zoas frag mentioned above just because I did not want them and they happened to see a pic of coral that I was getting rid of and they spotted my zoa frags and started hounding me.
A little secret that I use to make them grow faster. It don't work on all zoas and palys but it works on a lot. I take a modelers knife with the blade that looks like a one sided triangle (I don‘t know the blade number off the top of my head).
I make little slices in the foot. I buy one polyp I make four slices like a start + around the foot and then the cuts make new polyps as it heals. Some may not like the way I force grow polyps but I get a faster growth and cover.
Meet a group of hobbyist a while back who did this and showed me. its works for me.
Its kind of frowned upon I guess from what I was told, but hey it works right.
The three pics below i paid between 20. and 25. per polyp.


Active Member
Originally Posted by kholla12
PPE 15.00 pp
Darth mal 11.50 pp
Do you sell them this cheap? I have never seen these RARE zoas so cheap.
I just noticed you live in maryland. i know of a store that sells these polyps for the price i listed.


Active Member
this started as a one polyp frag that is now 15 or so in about 8-9 months by makeing little slices on the foot right where it sticks the the rock. As a new polyp is done growing, i make more slices and i keep going untill its to the size i want.


Active Member
peef, cool thread idea, but i have noticed in my trades that some people think i have something called ABC when it grows out, it looks sort of like ABC but is really DEF , or something as of yet unnamed. maybe there is a way we can make sure people are paying for the same thing.
i personally am all for trading generously so everyone gets more, and the prices come down.
tubs blues 3.50
cinnamon polyp 5
eagle eyes , maybe 2


New Member
White People Eaters - $25 per polyp
True Red People Eaters - $10 per polyp
Hawaiian People Eaters - $15 per polyp
Rapter Rainbows - $20 per polyp
Pumpkin Head Zoas - $8 per polyp
My list goes on, but that is some of the more popular ones...


3 Nuclear green palys FREE!!!!!
PPE $5 polyp
Fire and ice .60 polyp
kiwis .75 polyp
pink fissions .90 polyp
Reverse gorrilla nipples .50 polyp


Active Member
Alright people I have starting this thing rolling and it is snowballing
Now I have bought the site
Me, Perfectdark and mOnk are going to be building and starting this whole thing up.
Soooo hold off on putting zoa stuff on here for now BUT
PLEASE put ideas that you want/need/DON'T want to be on this site!
It is NOT going to be a selling site just a standards and average for selling amoungst a few other things that havn't been decided yet!!!! Whew this is a big project but its going to happen!


Active Member
Nice idea. but some are going to say your trying to set the pricing standard for zoas and palys. I don’t think so since you are saying the average price.
I think if you guys throw an asterisk in front saying something like these prices are the average price per polyp from other hobbyist or retail stores. Also you may want to put in place the pricing gap like you have been doing “X” average cost 2.00-7.00 per polyp.
Since you guys bought the site are you going to put up a donation button thru paypal or let pop ups pay for the domain name?
Maybe even find the stores that sell at prices that fall within the average price and link them. Even ask for banners or what not.