Zoa Frag Tank Lighting ?



Im making a frag tank for basically just Zoa's and wanted get some more feedback on lighting for it from you pros on here. Ive heard T5's are better than PC's. So what I want to make sure is a 24" T5 - 2 X 24watt HO light would be better than running a 24" 130watt PC? (both running a daylight and an actinic bulb). I dont know but what little I read and could use some help with the how and whys of lighting. Par vs wattage and stuff.


Active Member
honestly for zoos in my opinion its hard to say, i'm not an expert when it comes to PAR etc...but T5s have the better output...but you never really know what will happen with zoos as they can change morphs...i've had PCs before and i had zoos that looked AMAZING...i had bright pinks with green mouths...now that i have metal halides...those pinks have a dark pink with a dark green mouth..not nearly as nice in myopinion...but then you have the others that just go crazy under MH over PC(for me)...i'm sure people will say T5s because they are the higher output light, but that doesnt mean zoos will always look a ton better either...not much help, i know, sorry --i just think with whichever light some zoos will look better in the T5s, others may look better in the PCs


i am also curious about T-5s. Does anyone know the comparison for recommended watts? Like for PCs 4+ watts is preferred, what is it for T-5s. I know this is the only factor, but it is helpful.


i think Pc's are just as good.....plenty of people have beautiful tanks under Pc's with no problems.....i usto have mine under Pc's and they looked great....in fact i'm selling or trading my 24" Coralife Fixture....sorry for the shamless plug.....good luck