Zoa Question


Active Member
So i just fragged a single zoa polyp and i was wondering how long before it will multiply or even if it will? its opened up since the frag


Active Member
Most zoa's reproduce fairly quickly, there are a lot of variables, lighting, water quality, flow etc...Give a few weeks.


Active Member
It depends on the type of zoa and conditions.
I have four or five bam bam orange zoas I bought about a month back that have yet to sprout another, but then I have two cotton candy paly polyps purchased at the same time that already have 4 babies sprouting out. Only time will tell.


Active Member
i have 2x 175watt MH and 2x96 watt actinics ,,,,,,the MH are on for 8 1/2 hours a day with actinics on for 12......2 maxi-jet power heads and good water quality.....0 ammonia and nitrite, 5ppm of nitrate, and good calcium and phosphate.....
the single zoa could still spread right? or does there need to be more than one? im guessint they spread more quickly with more than one but i wonder if they still can spread alone


Originally Posted by oneradtek
i have 2x 175watt MH and 2x96 watt actinics ,,,,,,the MH are on for 8 1/2 hours a day with actinics on for 12......2 maxi-jet power heads and good water quality.....0 ammonia and nitrite, 5ppm of nitrate, and good calcium and phosphate.....
the single zoa could still spread right? or does there need to be more than one? im guessint they spread more quickly with more than one but i wonder if they still can spread alone

they will spread with just one it just seems longer due to the fact no colony to help sustaine life. hang in there it will split and you will have plenty one day
Good luck


Active Member
its a pretty bright orange one, really nice and it came as a part of my ricordea, and ive never fragged before this ....so im just interested.....i think i did it right!


I have noticed that same thing. SOme reproduce faster then other and some take a while and then they explode with a ton of babies. I have some nuc green paly's and for about 3 months I only had one and then one day I looked at the bottom and there was about 5 babies in the bottom. The zoas that I have seem to grow way fast. they cover everything but they do grow at different rates acording to the zoa. Good luck


Active Member
Some of them grow like weeds some kinds don't. I have had frags that took forever to spread and other grow like wildfire. Decent flow and good lighting is all that they seem to need. Here is a frag of "Tubs-Blues" I got from "Fidel" on the 24th of September with around 20 or so polyps.
I thought the Diamond was about to hide them, so I put them in a little glass cup with substrate for the first week or so before gluing them in place. Now there is a ball of them with almost 45 of them just over a month latter.... Warren



Active Member
Originally Posted by GrouperGenius
Hey big, I got some of those from Fedel too. They are definitely one of my favorites.

I've got my frag coming in on Wednesday


Active Member
Originally Posted by Threed240
Who is fedel, I want those!!!
Member on this board. Fedel Castro. He had to tear down some of his tanks. Awsome guy.


Active Member
Originally Posted by GrouperGenius
Member on this board. Fedel Castro. He had to tear down some of his tanks. Awsome guy.

Yes he is, he paid extra shipping to get mine here over night, after it starting getting cold here. I think mine ended up being about a dollar a polyp after he paid the extra shipping out of his pocket. A Long distance "Reefer" friend forever.........