Zoa Spiders



That would scare the &$#*& out of me!!! haha, i would probably throw the frag across the room.


Active Member

In the last picture.. you can see the other one at the bottom part of the shell.
I shouldn't have put that shell in there.. now that are inside it..


Active Member
Originally Posted by alix2.0
are zoa spiders... crabs?
Not really. They're arthropods, like crabs, but since they lack antennae and jaws, they're identified as chelicerates (with horseshoe crabs being one of the few crabs to join this exception). Since there are so many species of sea spiders, they exist in their own grouping as pycnogonida (I can't recall the exact interpretation, but I know it represents a group of animals that are noticably brought together as a bunch of legs and no central body), but they have definitely been tagged as chelicerates in the broader spectrum.
There is an article somewhere online I read a few weeks ago that tells you everything you need to know about them. As soon as I find it, I'll post up the link.


Active Member
HowardJ, as crappy as it is, you might be better off taking the colony you found the zoa spiders in and just disposing of it before they spread.


Active Member
Originally Posted by joebob7
Would a freshwater dip help?
Not likely. They keep a tight grip on their host and are sometimes known to actually take place underneath the mucus layer of the coral itself. Most dips do only enough at best to weaken them to the point of being able to pull them off with tweezers, but not even this much progress is guaranteed.


Originally Posted by alexmir
That would scare the &$#*& out of me!!! haha, i would probably throw the frag across the room.
I saw one of those on a zoa colony I had and it looked just like a black tick. I didn't hesitate one bit to throw that entire colony in the trash!


Active Member
Originally Posted by HowardJ
Don't have a QT

Out of curiosity, how was the new discovery attached? Could you actually see a hole in one of the polyps (toward the base) or was it moving around the entire colony?
(Again, consider disposal asap)


Active Member
I will get a pic up tomorrow of the one I found today..
the other two I found while fragging some zoas.


Active Member
all Qt will do is isolate them from the rest of the zoas (if they havent spread) weird thing is they seem to find a colony they like the best and chow on that one untill all the polyps are gone before moving on to a different type of zoa, but not always. I wonder if it has anything to do with flavor/toxicity? but I digress. FW dip may kill a couple that arent embeded but any that are face down in your zoas are not going to be affected as the slime coat and flesh of the zoa will protect the spider from the water. darn things are tougher than heck to eradicate once you get them in your tank.
best of luck I wish I could offer more advice in eradication methods but I have yet to battle them, the one time I saw them they came in on a frag and never made it past my QT tank. into the garbage the frag went.