Zoa troubles


So I bought a single Zoanthid that came on a shell from my LFS. Its doing good besides one problem, my hermits keep flipping the shell over to check it out.
What should I do to prevent them from doing this? Do you think burying the shell in the substrate so the Zoa is still sticking out would fix it and be a smart idea?
I obviously want to keep the zoa and the hermits so removing either is a no go.


So can I do that in the tank or do I have to remove the coral and the rock I wish to glue it to? I have a similiar problem with a Pulsating Xenia. It came on a tiny chunk of rubble, will it detach and reattach to the rock its sitting on or do I have to glue it as well?


Can it be used underwater or no? I just rearranged my rocks and really dont feel like taking it all back down 2 days later to glue him to the rock


New Member
you can use superglue gel underwater but its tough to do. If you can take out your rock then take it out and glue it to it. 2 part epoxy also works well under water, i use that when i glue corals in the tank to my submerged live rock. Aquamend you get at home depot is reef safe.


deff easier to do out of the water. doing it underwater, the glue forms a skin. just pull the zoos outa water and the rock, dry the parts being glued with a paper towel. glue. hold for say 10 seconds or so. then put it back in the water slowly and your done.