Can anyone tell me what kind of zoanthids these are? The pic turned out a little more pastel than reality... the centers are a darker pink/red and the skirt is more of a neon green than yellow.
Originally Posted by premilove http:///forum/post/2933734
idk but i saw this in your previous post and i am really digging them
Thanks! MY LFS has a really nice selection of zoa frags. They are one of my favorite corals.
Originally Posted by VALgae http:///forum/post/2933776
whammin watermelons? like this?
Hmmm... gorgeous zoas, but I don't think that's what I have. The center points on mine are the same green/yellow as the skirt and mine don't have any blue in them.
Someone on the local marine club board I also visit agreed with your Whammin Watermelon ID. The Eagle Eye looks similar too and the description on the database said that Whammin Watermelon was a color variation of Eagle Eye, so I guess both IDs are correct. It's obviously a morph in that family of zoas. Thanks for the help!