Zoanthid Preditors


Active Member
Just though we should make a quick post of predators specific to Zoos:
here are the ones I personally have come across, only one i dont think i've encountered is the Zoapox....i actually just found a zoa spider last night, little jerks!
Zoo Spider:

Zoo eating Nudibranches:

Sundial Snail:

Feel free to add your pics


Active Member
for this thread. Props to bronco.
I just found a couple sundials in my tank last night when my lights went out


Active Member
great now I am going to have nightmares tonight and wake up screaming "QT! QT! AHHHHHHHHHH WHY DIDNT YOU QT!" my future wife will have to slap some sense into me and tell me it was only a dream then ask "what does QT mean?"


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefkprZ
great now I am going to have nightmares tonight and wake up screaming "QT! QT! AHHHHHHHHHH WHY DIDNT YOU QT!" my future wife will have to slap some sense into me and tell me it was only a dream then ask "what does QT mean?"



it will be worked into the database as it gets completed. Thanks bronco do you know of any treatments for zoapoxs?


Active Member
i believe Furan-2 is a treatment, but i've never dealt with it before so i couldn't be as much of a help with that.

nano reefer

Active Member
yeah, zoapox has no known reason to start, and no guaranteed cure. The Furan-2 has only worked on rare occasions.


thanks for those pics..i wish i would have took some of the ones i found on some plays i got a fefw months ago..it had a couple of spiders..ugly little things


Active Member
haven't had any spiders yet, are they slow/big enough and safe to pick off with your fingers or is there some other trick. I assume not rick needed with nudi or snails.


Active Member
Not really a predator but a nusiance is the vermetid snail who's "webbing" can agitate the zoanthid.


Active Member
Originally Posted by GreenReefer
haven't had any spiders yet, are they slow/big enough and safe to pick off with your fingers or is there some other trick. I assume not rick needed with nudi or snails.
they move slow...i've been able to pick them off...they hardly move, and when they do i believe they are like an animal that will try to simulate the waters movement so he isnt seen...
another agitator from what i just read is: Foraminiferan

Which is funny because i JUST saw one of these things in a patch of zoos...but i had no freakin clue what it was because it just look like some hard thing..but apparently it aggitates the zoos, and may harm them, but no one is sure about that quite yet...i don't have any pictures...maybe if i see one again, or if someone else does, i dont want to rip pictures off other websites.