I've had it happen, mainly on accident. I had a rock covered in zoanthids leaning against my back wall and slowly the started to creep up the wall.
I've glued palys onto the wall a few times and had luck with them growing as well. I've definitely noticed that zoanthids and palys grew slower for me on the tank glass than on live rock.
Originally Posted by Childress5tylerhttp:///t/388920/zoas-growing-on-the-wall#post_3433275
i think it would be awesome to have a wall covered in different zoas and palys..i wanna work on that
That is a cool idea.. I would love to see a completed wall with them...
I'm not a fan of dosing iodine. A good quality salt nix combined with regular water changes should be enough iodine for zoanthids. Dosing iodine can be dangerous, there is a fine line as to how much can be used. Too much (and it doesn't take much) and you'll kill inverts and corals.